chapter three- First day at the job

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Urushihara POV
Y/n asked what game I was playing and it was pretty obvious what game I was playing but I told her anyways. "Call of duty." I told her. "Really?" She asked me. "Yeah." I told her, then she looked like she remembered something. "Oh right speaking of video games I start my job today!" She said as she quickly grabbed her stuff and hurried out the door. 'She is something else.' I thought to myself as I was play my game.

Your POV
I ran down the stairs, thank God I didn't trip. I got into a taxi and took it to work. I got there just in time, "You must be the new kid." I heard someone say, I looked over and saw a man with brown hair and green eyes. "Y-Yeah I'm y/n." I told the man. "I'm Adam." He told me. "Nice to meet you." I told him. "I'm supposed to show you everything here." He told me. "Okay." I said. He showed me around the work place and he was really nice about it. "Anyways that's all, you will be working at home on the design of the cover and when you're done turn have the boss see it and if he approves the design that's the cover." Adam told me. "Sounds simple." I told him. "That's what they all say." Adam said as he chuckled, "Anyways your first cover design is the game for Forbidden Survival, it's an action video game." He told me as he handed me the details of the game. "It's due by Wednesday." He told me. "Okay, I'll get working it on right away!" I told him.
I looked over the details of the game, basically it was about surviving in a forbidden forest with wild animals and monsters on the loose in the forest. 'it sounds kinda cheesey.' I thought to myself. (I just thought of what the video game was about on the spot, so that's why it doesn't sound good)  but I came up with the design, well the first design that I had, it's not good to just stick to one design or drawing and say that's good if you have another ideas you should probably draw them. I was walking home because I didn't have any money for a taxi while I was walking I came across a grocery store and I stopped in there for two reasons: one I needed groceries of course and two I own Maou and them for helping me last night. I know I didn't have enough money for a taxi but I had enough for food. So I brought some food and once I got back to the apartment I went and dropped off my stuff and then went to knock on Maou's door and after a while the door open by Urushihara.

Urushihara's POV
Ashiya was out getting groceries and Maou was at work so I was home alone playing video games. It was nice and quiet until I heard a knock I groaned and went to open up the door, to my surprise Y/n was there. "Oh hey Urushihara." She greeted me. "Oh hey." I greeted her back. "Since you guys helped me out last night, I decided to cook you guys some food." She told me with a smile. I looked away, 'that smile is so damn cute...' wait what am I   thinking?! "Oh uh thanks, you can come in if you want." I told her. "Okay." She said as she walked in and took off her shoes. "Maou is at work and Ashiya is getting groceries so I'm home alone." I told her going back to my laptop.
It was silent for a while. "So uh this morning you said your work had to do with video games?" I asked her as I keep my eyes on the screen. "Yeah, I design the covers for them." She told me. Once I heard that my head quickly turned around. "really?" I asked her. "Yeah, in fact I got my first assignment today." I told him. "That's cool..." I told her, "so what's the game about?" "It's called Forbidden Survival, it's an action video game it's kinda cheesy." She told me. "What's is it about?" I asked her. "Basically it's about surviving in a forbidden forest with wild animals and monsters on the loose in the forest, like I said cheesy." She told me. We talk about the game for a while, she told me about some of the designs she had for the cover it was actually nice. "Excuse me I need to use the restroom." She told me. "Oh right, it's this way." I told her as I got up but my feet tripped over to wrappers I had on the ground and fell down on top of Y/n.

Y/n's POV
It was nice talking to Urushihara but all of a sudden I had to use the restroom. He was getting up so he can show me it but he slipped and fell on top of me. I got a good look at his face. 'he isn't that bad looking...' I thought to myself as I just stared at him but I could tell my face was getting red cause our face was inches apart. "I-I" Urushihara was stuttering to say. Ashiya opened up the door "Hey I'm-" then he saw the position we were in. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU UNGRATEFUL NEET!" Ashiya yelled at Urushihara.

Then at the end of this chapter, it is me or when Luci is in his general outfit he kinda idk looks kinda hot or something. Anyways sorry if this was bad or if anyone was OOC comment vote and follow otherwise peace out ✌🏻

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