Ch. 19-I want the World to Know, I'm happy

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Tommy finally has gotten to come home, we've of course spent time with much as we can, but Paul and Eric insisted on giving us more time, though we of course miss Ari dearly.... Tommy cried, so did I... A LOT. It broke my heart and the heart of my fiancée, in fact we've just spent time with her today and are now headed home, Tommy is crying into his hands...clearly upset.

"Tommy?" I venture quietly.... Tommy doesn't respond until I pull over to a safe place, cut the engine and unbuckle enough to cup his face in my hands.

"W-why...d-did you stop?" Tommy murmurs tearfully, ashamed.... he has of course NOTHING to be ashamed of.

"Tommy, you're upset...and I wanna make you feel better if I can." I tell him seriously, gently.

"I-I.... just hate that...we're...I mean...I'm not a bad mother, right? I hate leaving her,'d already been like 2 days in the hospital...and now.... hurts..." Tommy stammers and whimpers, breaking my heart.

"Tommy, I know it hurts...I hate leaving her too...I hate seeing YOU in pain, but we've just found out we're having triplets that your pregnant again....and your morning sickness is rough, there's nothing wrong with taking care of you, taking care of yourself or us needing time together. It's a lot to process, but we will get thru this together. And it DOES hurt, it hurts leaving hurts me to see you suffer so much...but there IS NO ONE I'd rather have carry my children than one I've EVER loved more than you.... you...I can't tell you enough of what you've done for me and ARE doing for me. I want the WORLD to know that I am happy...I Peter Criss am happy, because I have you and our amazing children...a new life, a new everything. I love you Tommy...and we're getting married. And too you CAN teach a new cat old trick."

Tommy chokes out a laugh at the end and it thrills my heart to see a smile however slight out of him.

"I thought it was 'teach an old dog new tricks'"

"Nah Cat..." I quip, "Do you feel a bit better now?" I ask quietly.

"Yes.... THANK YOU." Tommy replies and I find I must kiss him, THIS we both need I do believe. Afterwards we continue to make our way home...stopping twice for Tommy to get sick, but he does wind up falling asleep just as we reach home, and I don't have the heart to wake him, so I unbuckle him and carefully, very carefully hold him in my arms bridal style after having unlocked the door carry him up to our bedroom, Tommy still sleeping away.... once in our bedroom I lay him in bed and take off his shoes and sock and then he starts to stir, opening his eyes with a groan. "Peter?"

"I'm here babe, we're in our bedroom.... i carried you up here. You need sleep, ok?"

"Stay with me?" Tommy asks hopefully.

"You never have to ask mi amore." I reply, carefully taking off my socks and shoes, setting them aside and then stripping down to my boxers, before joining my fiancée in bed, him carefully burrowing into my embrace. Tommy yawns still very much exhausted. "I love having you in my arms Tommy." I can't help but whisper.

"I love being in your arms Peter." Tommy replies with a yawn.

"Sleep Tommy." I gently run my fingers thru his hair.

" to me a minute please?"

I don't have the heart to tell him 'No', so talk I shall....

"I was thinking about wedding ideas.... i would say back yard, but I was thinking about Napa Valley...there's a beautiful location there.... i would love to go to Italy, but I bad memories shall we say there..." Tommy cuts me off apologetically.

"Lydia?" I gape a moment, before I respond.... just amazed at how in tune he is with me.

"Yeah.... i mean, I thought it would be much beauty and history.... but all we did was fight and I never told anyone this, but she cheated on me during our honeymoon I came to find out...but this was really before Kiss took off, but like an idiot I stayed with her, I cheated, she cheated...we fought. I didn't really love her; it was my money or my potential for money she loved..." My tone bitter.

"Right or wrong you're cheating on her.... you still didn't deserve to be treated like that Pete. And by the way.... Napa sounds perfect and I had an idea...or ideas myself..." Tommy starts grinning at the end, as I look at him like he hung the moon.

"THANK YOU, for saying that..." I tell him touched and grateful both before eagerly asking, "What ideas?"

Tommy yawns and at seeing my concerned look says, "I'll be ok Peter...just let me talk. This means a lot to me and to you...but my ideas, I thought.... well, a crown of lemon leaves and babies' breath or something like that and I wanna wear a dress, Italian made of course."

"That sounds AMAZING! And you'd look beautiful in sleep my love." I kiss him gently, and moments later he drifts off. I don't fall asleep; I just hold him.... until I find myself joining him in sleep....and I begin to dream....

I see Tommy before me.... looking like an angel.... looking radiant in his crown of lemon leaves and babies' breath...wearing a gorgeous white dress.... the vineyards at Napa our backdrop...he and I only have eyes for each other, Ari squeals with joy.... upon seeing Tommy and I am damn tempted to be honest to do so myself....

"You.... look like...I mean.... BEAUTIFUL." I manage to get out, once Tommy reaches me and I take his hands in mine, hoping he gets what I am really trying to say...and by the look in his eyes, he KNOWS.

"I hear you cat..." Tommy whispers, softly...lovingly.

"Right back atcha' babe." I whisper, as we get underway with the ceremony.... something I find hard to believe, but believe I do.... i believe in love...OUR LOVE....

The scene shifts.... It is just Tommy and I in bed.... a very pregnant Tommy, he is miserable.... it's getting closer time for the triplets to come....

"Pete.... I'm SCARED.... it''s almost time, I'm nearly 8 months.... they could come at any time. I've...I mean Ari...I've never....3 at once..." Tommy groans, as I gather the babies...are moving around a great deal...well not much due to lack of room, but it DOES make Tommy uncomfortable to say the least. My husband, for I see the flashes of in tears, refusing to look at me.

I gently rub his very well swollen stomach and say in Italian...

" Look at me my beautiful love....i know it's scary as hell....i know how miserable you are....never be afraid to look at me....that being said, I too am afraid...I am afraid I could lose you...I'm afraid that once again...I've put you in pain, but what I DO I am here for you....every step, facing my NEED ME....and I my love....need YOU...remember, the won't last forever. You've always been strong, stronger than you know and when the time comes, I will all be will my love.... never doubt how much I love you, how much I love our children."

"I couldn't have done this without you my beloved Cat....i couldn't do ANY of this without you, this...this is love....true love, OUR LOVE....despite our fears....we are always there for one another....and besides...."Tommy murmurs in Italian and cracks a grin, "They are part cat, stubborn as fuck...take after their daddy, but....that's what I LOVE."

I huff playfully, "You, see? Stubbornness CAN serve a purpose when properly used. And besides.... you're the mate of the cat...which is kind of how we ended up here."

Tommy rolls his eyes playfully, "You're lucky you're cut and adorable...and..and... damn it!!!!" Tommy starts amused and ends up screaming, his eyes screaming heart drops...I can feel it, his belly feels like a rock...I rub it frantically, and gradually it subsides....

"Tommy.... amore...I think it may almost...tonight." I whisper, determined...scared, but determined.

"I f-feel...pressure.... hurts..." My eyes go wide and before he can protest....i help him to his feet and I know what's coming.... Tommy nearly buckles or would if I wasn't holding him....and quickly the moment we cross the threshold of our bathroom.... Tommy's water breaks....and then everything begins to fade....

A/N: SO excited for this one!! A taste of things to come and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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