Chapter 6, join me

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(this is very long. Also this chapter has a character dying so, thats a warning. Also vomiting)

"i will meet you, silver spoon. In. Your. Dreams."

As ''yin-yang'' flipped the coin, it landed on tails. Making the pinkers win with 5 wins. "Welp, it looks like the pinkers has won the challenge!" Mephone4 said. "huh. So, thats all?" Ballpoint pen asked, questioning mephone4. "W-well..umm..yeahhh?" Mephone4 started to sweat. "Oh, *ballpoint pen said with disappointment tone* i see. Well, with an interesting challenge with a disappointing ending while having a delay round i must say, i'll rate it as 5! Because the bridge is well built and isn't broken!" Ballpoint pen pointed out. As ballpoint pen was still explaining the reason, there was a silver nickel under the bridge with a red balloon. "Tsh, yeah right, like it wont fall down again!" Nickel sarcastically said with a quiet angry tone. "calm down nickel. Everyone is still alive!" Balloon said as he was about to pat nickel. "balloon! Dont touch me! You're in the disgusting box killer's body!" Nickel reminded balloon. "oh..right..." balloon said sadly. "i can still stand next to you? R-right?" "umm, duh! As long you're not annoying!". As the two objects continue talking. The ''elevator'' went down, seeing ballpoint pen, who seems to tired. Mephone4 who looked a bit sad. yin-yang's expression was just nothing, it just seemed like nothing bad happened. Mephone4 weakly opened the elevator gate to let ballpoint pen and yin-yang out. Mephone4 looked down as he walked slowly. Walking away from ballpoint pen. "thank you, mephone4. As much as dangerous you have done for challenges. Good news is, you may keep the show on" "wait..wait really?!" Mephone4 looked up back at ballpoint pen happily. "you heard what i said. Yo-" mephone4 hugged ballpoint pen tightly. "thankyou-thankyou-thankyou!" "ok-okay! Let me go mephone4!" Ballpoint pen asked. "oh-im so sorry!!" Mephone4 then let go of ballpoint pen. As all of the mess was happening. Yin-yang walked away, passing silver spoon.

Silver spoon was just sitting down on the nice grass, spacing out. Ballpoint pen was about to walk pass ''candle'' until he saw ''candle'' just sitting down. Ballpoint pen wanted to talk to candle so he stopped to sit down next to ''candle''. "huh? Oh, hello mr. Pen" silver spoon greeted. "Ah, candle. The most calmest contestants i've meet. I heard that you're quite popular." Ballpoint pen said as he began sitting down. 'Popular? Oh wow! I've never been called popular! Unfortunately he said it to her. Where even is candle, she was gone for 1 day yesterday and today she seems okay?...' silver spoon realizes that he did met candle..and the drink, what was it? It tasted like grapes with ginger beer..isn't that just wine? But for some reason is very strong "um, candle? Hello?" Silver spoon snapped back to reality to see ballpoint pen still sitting near him, still waiting for an answer. "um. What is it?" Silver spoon asked. "oh. It seems like you didnt listen to me. Let me say it again, how was it like dealing with silver spoon?" "oh? M-him? I think he's great!~ like a royal king!" Silver spoon complimented himself. "ah, you see him as a king. I see. *ballpoint pen looks at his watch, saying 6:38PM* Well, i'd better get going. you're very interesting i gonna say, you're responsible and calm, even when things are just messy. You look after yin-yang and silver spoon like their just your little kids." Ballpoint then gets up "i better go, goodbye candle." He said as he waved a goodbye to silver spoon and walked away, leaving silver spoon in his thoughts. 'Kids huh. And where was yin-yang before they were in the forest?' 

As silver spoon thinks about what has happened to candle. Yin-yang went inside of the cave, waiting for candle to come in. A few moments later. ''Silver spoon'' came inside, seeing ''yin-yang''. As candle walks towards the flame, talking about everything before the flame took yin-yang's body, making them interested for the two boys. Maybe they didnt need goo, they just need two dragons. But of course, the flame wants to rule the planet so they would need more bodies serving them. Then, candle realizing that silver spoon is better. Better to control, candle was always next to him until ep.7. Candle knew how he would act. Dumb, dumb, dumb and dumb. Candle smiled at her thought. Plus, silver spoon wanted power. mostly flying. 'what? What are you thinking?~' the flame asked. "oh, maybe we could skip that and maybe try to get silver spoon." '..why do you want a weak body?' The flame asked. "its not about strength, its about manipulation, flame." Candle told them, smiling at them. 'well, how do we get him then?' "oh, i already fed him the drink, meaning that i will visit his dreams." 'oh wow, already planning ahead of me, aren't you?' "well, to be honest. I almost forgotten that i did, silly me." Candle then walked to a nearby table, having some what like a monster's amour on it. A red, thick amour, perfect for yin-yang but ever since she saw for what she thinks is the most perfect body to be a manic killer to use for. She wonders, do they have other powers too? She turned back to tell the flame what is going to happen for when they will be doing. 

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