Chapter 8, lost and gone.

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"c'mon, you wouldn't want dad to be mad, right?"  "dad, please no. It hurts!" "stop whining" "ow-ow-oW-OW-OW-OW-DAD STOP, STOP PULLING MY BRISTLE! PLEASE STOP!" "be quiet. Now, dad wants to know. What happens when you can control fire?"

Gasps. Paintbrush wakes up sweating as they look around. It was dark and cold yet it was warm? Paintbrush felt something was hugging them. Paintbrush looks down to see silver spoon who was hugging them. Silver spoon was leaning on paintbrush as they were under a random tree. Paintbrush was blushing a bit too hard, why was silver spoon hugging them? Paintbrush didnt know what to do, they didnt want to wake up him as he was sleeping peacefully. Paintbrush tried to think how to get out of this kind hug, every thing. They then gave up, they lay on silver spoon's side softly as they look at the stars. Waiting to fall back asleep again.

"tomorrow, we'll ask nickel..silver spoon"


!!warnings: blood, violence & little gore (i think)!!

As ''yin-yang'' and candle went inside of the cave. Meeting the spot where they usually go. The flame got out of yin-yang's body as they tie up yin-yang's limps. When yin & yang woke up, they saw candle and the flame talking, uncomfortable being in the cave again, yang tried to stand up and run, making him trip as he makes a noise. Candle looks at them as yin-yang fell. "oh, you two are awake. That's perfect because we are going to some..testing..on you two." As candle said that, that made yin-yang's spine shiver coldly. "a-and what is..the t-test?" Yin asked as he got very scared. "very good question! Well~ candle has told me that you two has some special forms! Im very excited for this new test we'll be having!" The flame happily answered as yin started to be mad, yang started to feel uncomfortable as he felt yin mumbled in their mind. "but, for now you guys just have wait until everything is ready." Candle and the flame walk away from yin-yang to continue their conversation. As they were alone, instead of planning something. There was nothing. Yang look around to see knifes, chainsaw and a table that has something on it. ' i want to run away..' yang thought. Yang closed his eyes to meet the pain soon.

Meanwhile with the flame and candle

As they walk, they talk about who's going to test who. "I think i should take yin, he isn't a mess unlike yang but he's more soft." "hmm, okay! I guess i'll take yang~" "mm, yes. Oh it looks like we're here." Candle pointed it out. There was syringes with chemicals in them all ready in a briefcase on a rotten chair. "i'll be taking it for you~" the flame playfully said as it take the briefcase. "Thank you. lets go now, shall we?" Candle said as they walk back. After some minutes. They walk to where yin-yang are. As they look at them, they saw yin look with anger as yang was crying but..why? The flame walk up to them to punch them. "UGH!" Yin groaned painfully. Yin look up at the flame and realized that he is still in the cave. Yang open his eyes with fear to look around. Only to notice that he was actually crying. "ugh..finally. But also finally! We're back!" The flame smiled as they remove the string that tied yin-yang. "c'mon candle, use your powers" the flame reminds candle. "ah, right" candle then uses her powers to make yin-yang's body to be in their own bodies...again.

Yin and yang opened their eyes to feel something very different yet felt very similar. They are finally in their own bodies, for now? "Great job candle! Now, you know what to do now~" the flame walked towards near in front of yang's view. The flame then close their hand, making yang feel unbearable pain. Yang fell onto his knees as he cover his mouth, not letting a voice go as everything feels way tighter. Yang feels as he couldn't even breathe, he feels as his organs gets worse. Yang look up at yin who was looking at him too. Yin looked away, facing at the cave's wall. dare-ing not to face yang. Yang thought of what Yin said before in their mind. Yang close his eyes, knowing that Yin wont be saving him. 

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