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As Bumva and Will continue their honeymoon, Melody takes an important trip outside. The scorching heat greets her, but it doesn't bother her black dress one bit. The bouquet of bluebells is tucked underneath the brim of her black sunhat to give it shade. 

She slightly grins that she can feel the summer warmth without suffering from it.

Another benefit of my bard's spell, while walking down the cobblestone street to her destination. She passes the library with a statue that's reading a large stone book on a bench. Her oval face modeled after the late Elizabeth Salentia with gardeners maintaining the primrose flowers around her feet.

"Good afternoon', Mrs. Bennett!" They greet her.

"Same to you!"

She waves at Mr. and Mrs. Salentia who are watering irises near the front door. Despite the full staff and their children helping out, they want to do all they can to preserve their daughter's legacy.

Mrs. Salentia runs over to Melody with a gentle embrace. "You're absolutely glowing, my dear."

She rubs her belly. "Thank you. But I wish the cravings were less weird."

The noble laughs from experience. "Chocolate in a bacon sandwich was my craving."

She chuckles. "I wish it was that simple. They love onions and spicy peppers. Oh, I have to go, but I will see next time."

"Of course. I wish blessings upon your pregnancy."

Mel gives her a gentle embrace. "Gracias."

She walks away with a somber smile graces her face. She wonders what would have happened if Garth didn't kill Elizabeth. In her mind, she imagines the noble daughter running a library with joy in her heart. And a love that would never seek harm to her. Maybe a child or two running around, acting out the adventures they had read. Sticks being used as swords-


The hurried, footsteps approach her from behind. Her ears tell her they don't belong to someone she knows. The footsteps come to her side.

"'Ello, gorgeous. Looking to cool down on this hot day? I can take care of you," the man harasses with a crooked grin. He doesn't care about the visible wedding ring nor the baby bump clearly in view.

"Not interested. Even if I wasn't married, I would never lay my body against yours. Good day," she fires back with a harvest killing stare.

The man's grin twists into a curled lip with bared teeth. He grabs her arm, but she wrestles out of it to punch him in the solar plexus. 98% of air escaped his mouth and nose from that single strike. She flips him by the arm--


 It takes a moment before the man cries out in pain. A couple across the street rushes over while the harasser clutches his arm with tears.

"Miss, are you alright?" The woman asks.

"I'm fine. Thank you. Make sure he goes to jail before he hurts someone," she walks away while adjusting her hat. The man of the couple ties the harasser's hands with his tie and escorts him away. 

"I will teach you how to fight, little one," she whispers to her bump. She finally makes it to the place but hesitates to walk inside. Her heart thuds against her chest, begging her to turn away.

"Mama needs your strength. Just a little bit," she whispers before taking a deep breath.

She enters the cemetery to search for Drago's grave. Chained to the top of a pedestal is a large brown leather book with lots, names, and a map included. She finds Drago's name and goes that way. Each step feels like she was almost sinking in a marsh pit. She presses on.

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