[Part 2]

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Until one day Milo decided to invite Firebrand over for a special dinner. "Fire! Hey!" he shouted. "Milo!" Firebrand smiled, "What's up? You're overly happy today..." "Nothing's up! I have a question though... Do you wanna come over on Saturday? We're having a special dinner... Your brother's probably there too because of Noah but we could hang out afterwards too..." Milo rambled. "Well, yeah sure!" Firebrand smiled, "Then I get to spend more time with my best friend!" "Cool!" Milo squealed.
Meanwhile Noah sat in Observer's lap somewhere on a hidden bench in the schoolyard, Smoking and laughing and having fun. "Hey Server? We're having a special dinner because I wanted my family to meet you on Saturday... You're free, right? My cousin's also bringing someone but we can do stuff afterwards, just the two of us..." the smaller boy smiled. "Yes, I am free... I'll come, I'm excited to meet your family..." Observer said, "I love you, Baby..." "I love you too, Servi..." Noah smiled. They shared a kiss and smoke filled the air between them. As they parted, Noah pushed his slightly longer hair back. "We should go..." he said, "Milo will possibly wait for me... I don't want him to find out I smoke yet... He's still a kid..." "Oh, do you really think that? Come on, he hasn't asked about you in weeks!" Observer stated. "Yeah, but-" "No buts, Noah... Come on, Babe... Take another hit!" The taller male drew on the cigarette and pulled the other closer. Then he blew some of the smoke into the other's mouth. Noah felt numbed. But comfortably numb. He loved how his boyfriend could be some dominant. But usually it was him starting a heated make-out-session. And so he did now.
Meanwhile Milo and Firebrand sat at their usual table in the cafeteria. Milo had worksheets and books spread all over it, different notepads and some notes next to him and was a mess of complete confusion. "This is bullshit!" he exclaimed as he slammed his head onto one book on the table. "Hey, what's the problem? Maybe I can help you..." Firebrand smiled. "I don't think so... I have to finish this for the next class I have... I forgot to do it..." Milo said, his resting on the table as he gave a slightly defeated look. "What's it?" Firebrand asked. "I'm supposed to have a presentation about Jewish traditions and the past of Jewish people... Shitty Christian teachers want me to do it... I never asked you but what's your religion?" "I... Eh... I-I'm atheist? I think? Maybe agnostic? I do not believe in a certain god or multiple ones... More in supernatural beings..." the shy boy stuttered out. "Interesting! I'm, well, Jewish! But I'm not too religious... And kinda interested in ghost hunting and stuff... But I follow some traditions because of my family..." Milo explained. They continued their talk and Firebrand took some notes. "What are you writing down?" Milo asked. "Your presentation. Because everything you are telling me makes sense for what you have to do." Firebrand chuckled. "Thank you!" Milo smiled, "Oh my god, I love you so much, Brandsy!" A few minutes later he realised what he had just said and blushed a soft pink to slightly red shade. "What?" Firebrand said. "N-nothing! I-it's nothing really?!" Milo said, panicking slightly. "No, please tell me, what did you just say?" Firebrand pressured, even though exactly knew. He just wanted the thought he had to be confirmed. "I-I... I s-s-sa-said I l-l-love y-you..." Milo stuttered, "And... And I mean it, I really do love you, Firebrand... I wanna be your boyfriend... The one you love... But I don't know if you feel the same or if you even love me or if you even like men... I-" Firebrand suddenly interrupted his rambling, "Shut up." "What?" "Shut up. I love you too, you idiot."  "Wait really? You lo-" Firebrand pressed his lips against Milo's. They pressed their hands against the table to hold a balanced. Neither really knew when they had gotten up but they did. They shared a loving kiss and only broke apart when Firebrand noticed they were still in the middle of the cafeteria. They fell back onto their chairs. "What?" "Was?" "That? Woah!" They both were surprised by saying it at the same time.
Meanwhile Noah was on his way to get away from school with his boyfriend. They did that often. "Hey Noah? Let me show you something!" Observer said, grabbing his hand. "Alright, let's go!" Noah smiled, immediately following his boyfriend. "My home... More or less... It's called the Boardwalk!" he explained. "Alright! Let's go! I'm in for it!" Noah chuckled and jumped at his boyfriend, "But you'll have to carry me, Baby!" "Alright fine, Babe! I love you!" "I love you too, Obsi!" Soon they arrived at a spot with loads of trees. "Alright, Babe, you ready?" Observer asked, "Then close your eyes!" Noah nodded and closed his eyes. Observer walked through the trees, holding Noah close. The climate changed around them, suddenly it was warm and damp and seemed overall more subtropical or tropical. The world changed around them to black and white. They were standing on a jetty. "Open your eyes, Darling!" Observer spoke. Noah opened his eyes. The weather change kind of fucked him up already. "What? What is this place?" he asked. "As I said... We call it the Boardwalk... It's like our home... I live here with my brother and some others..." his boyfriend explained. Noah clinged onto him. He wasn't doing well, the climate wasn't something he liked. "Noah, Baby, are you okay?" Observer asked. "Yeah... I just don't like the climate very much... I... I already don't like Florida's weather too much, I don't like it warm... But at least it's not that damp there..." Noah explained. "Oh, Baby... It's alright... You'll get comfortable with it soon..." Observer said and kissed his cheek, putting him down. Noah held onto him tightly, "No, don't let me go... I... Please..." Noah was confused by himself, he usually wasn't that clingy. Observer looked around and pulled Noah closer. Noah's head started to feel like it was spinning, his vision blurry and his ears ringing. "What did we say about bringing others here? You know what happened to Kevin!" a man spoke. Noah felt his boyfriend flinch before he passed out.

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