just. great.

824 15 3

finns pov

While i was still reading the messages, robin went to shower.

I wasn't really planning to go somewhere with bruce. But i guess we meet at the park and we'll talk about something.

Oh, and shit....

I will have to talk with Donna.

Fucking great.

I will probably talk with her at school.

After school. And school is tomorrow.

What could be worse?

robins pov

I was showering. Thinking about bruce, about what he said.

Alone, at the park.
Alone, at the park.
Alone, at the park.

"Alone, at the park..." I mumbled under my breath.

Turning off the water, i grab my towel and put it around my waist. I was standing infront the mirror just looking at myself and seeing how my lips are moving.

Saying again :

"Alone... at the park."

The word 'alone' is making me... feel weird.

Why would he even say that?
Couldn't he just say 'meet me at the park' or something?

All of a sudden i totally lost it and i slammed my hand at the sink, whisper yelling : "PUTA!"

"Robin? Are you okay there?" I heard finney yell from the other room that was right next to the bathroom.

"I'm fine!" I yelled back. He probably heard the slam.

I wanted to punch something really bad.

That something was bruce. I want to hit him. Punch him in the face. Kick him. Make him bleed.

Unfortunately if do that..

I'm dead.


He likes bruce. So much, as much as i love finney.

So if i do something bad to bruce, he definetly would beat my ass 10x worse.


After all those thoughts, i finally dried  myself and put on pants. I realized i didn't take any shirts, so i guess i'll just go to my room and get one.

Walking to my room it sounded too quiet. Did finney fell asleep again?

I walk into my room and...

finney is not here.

Oh, fuck.

Did he just left the house?


What the actual-


I heard finney. Thank god he's still here. He was downstairs.

"Yeah?" I said going downstairs.

"I'm going to cook something for us, what do you want?"

He looked at me and he froze.

I had no shirt on.

Maybe a minute after looking at eachother and not being able to say something, finney spoke.

"Well... what do you like? I- i mean! What would you like for breakfast?!" He said becoming nervous.

"Maybe pancakes, i could help you make them. Just let me put a shirt on first."

I smirked and went upstairs to get a t-shirt.

AFTER ROBIN GOT HIS SHIRT, THEY MADE PANCAKES AND ATE. (im just too lazy writting all that SRRY 🧍🏼)


Still robins pov

We ate pancakes.

Some of them were burned because mostly of me. I didn't really know how to cook, so finn always helps me.

"Well, that was good." I said finishing eating my last pancake.

"Yep." Finn agreed and also finished his last pancake with syrup.

Then it was just silence.

"Uh, so the thing about you meeting bruce at the park.. are you going?" I asked.

"Probably. I should better text him back now, cause what if it's one of his "emergency's". Y'know him." He smirked a bit and took his phone, and walked away to sit on the couch.

"Why would you care? Can't he just talk with vance?" I said following him.

"There's no way that vance is gonna listen to him." He said sitting on couch.

I sat beside him.

Then he turned and looked at me.

"Maybe i should just call him?"

I nodded a yes.

Now he was calling bruce.

This is so fucking not great.

639 words


robin x finney Where stories live. Discover now