chapter 23

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You woke up on the couch; as you looked around the room, no one was around, just you by yourself. I wonder where lui and lin are; the last I remember telling me a story was nice, but I know it won't last long.

You got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed the toaster, and found a pan to make eggs to go with.

You went to the fridge and grabbed the eggs, then found the bread, then put it in the toaster and waited for the food to be done.

After a few minutes, the toast popped up, and the eggs were done; you sat down at the table and started to eat until you were done, then cleaned up as you heard a knock on the front door.

You opened the door as you looked around, but no one was there, but you saw a noe and picked it up.

You closed th door and read the note, "dear (y/n), please come over after for tea, my treat," you read.

You smiled; it was from Shawn; he wanted to have tea, but you didn't know if lui or lin would let you go, so you might have to sneak over there, but you'll still have to ask them.

You walked back to the living room and looked for something to do while you waited for lui and lin to wake up.

Shawn walked back to his father "dad; I delivered the note to (y/n) like you asked," Shawn said, "good job Shawn" he said, "thank you" Shawn said, "now go do your chores" he said, "yes sir" Shaun said.

Back at Lui's
You found a few movies and put one in; maybe it would be different from the one you watched the other day.

Lin opened his eyes as he heard the sound of laughing and walked towards the living room and saw you smiling at the movie "oh hi, well actually morning (y/n)" lin said.

You looked up and smiled at lin; "hi," you said, "what are you doing" he asked, "watching a movie? It's better than the one I watched with you;" you said, "okay did you eat breakfast" he asked, "yeah is lui up yet" you asked "no why? What's up" he asked. "I just wanted to ask him something," you said, "okay, I'll go get him up I also have something to tell him that he will not like," lin said, "ooh really, what," you asked. "Your grandparents are coming for a visit. Lui's parents are," he said, "oh that sounds nice, lin," you said, "yeah, for you, yes, for him, not so much. Still, I'll go get him up and make breakfast for him, then we can sit down with him and all talk," he said, "okay sounds excellent," you said.

Lin walked away as you kept enjoying the fantastic movie.

Lin walked into Lui's room, well, your room and tapped on his shoulder as he woke up after a few minutes "lin, what are you doing" lui asked, "just waking you up (y/n) is watching a movie in the living room" lin said, "oh (y/n) is awake okay I'm coming is breakfast ready" lui asked, "no ill start I just wanted to wake you up first" lin said, "okay fine with me" lui said.

Lui got up and followed lin and walked to the kitchen to wait for breakfast but then walked to the living room and hugged you "morning (y/n)" he said, "morning, lui" you said.

He pulled you close and hugged you "are you hungry," he asked, "no, I'm fine; I already ate," you said, "okay fine" lui said.

Lui then got up and walked to the kitchen table as you turned off the movie and walked to the table and sat next to him; lin came to the table with eggs, toast, and bacon for lui and in "what are you too up to" lui asked, "nothing" you and lin said.

Lui ate his plate, then lin took it away after he was done and returned to the table and smiled "what do you two want from me" lui asked, "we have news, both of us" you and lin said. "okay so who wants to go first" lui asked, "um can i" you asked, "sure (y/n)" lin aid, "okay well I met a friend yesterday, and he sent me a letter in the mail and wanted me to come over I was wondering if I could go" you asked.

Lui and lin looked at me for a second "sure (y/n), you deserve to have fun since you've been doing so good" lui said, "really thank you, dad so much" you said, "do you know where he lives" lui asked, "yeah he gave me his address" you said, "now lin what is your news' lui asked.

Lin then breaches in and out "well, lui, sir, you see the thing, your parents are coming," lin said.

Lin put his head down as he tried to avoid Lui's look "fuck" lui said.

You pushed your chair out, but lui held yoru hand "don't you dare move, dog, your grandparents are coming (y/n), and that means you are staying at no friend's houses till after or even tomorrow your family comes first! Do you understand me" lui asked. "yes dad I know" she said, "good now go change lin what time are they coming" lui asked, "lin approximately two hours" lin said, "okay thank you we better start cleaning" lui said.

You walked into your room and went to the closet, and graded a blue shirt with some black jean shorts and a red sweatshirt with black socks to match as you went to the bathroom and finished getting ready.

You walked to the living room and saw lui and lin working very hard "can I help" I asked, "of course, mutt" lui said.

Lin then handed you a bucket and a mop "okay (y/n), can you mop, please?" Lin asked, "of course, I can; how long till dad's parents come," you asked, "hour or less, but Lui's parents always like to arrive early, right lui" lin asked, "yes, they do now less talk more cleaning," lui said.

30 minutes later
The doorbell rang as lui opened the door "mom, dad, what a pleasant surprise" lui said, "lui" they said.

Lui walked with his parents to the dining table as Lin pulled two chairs out "misses and mister Shirosagi, what a delight to see you," lin said, "as for you, how's our son" she asked, "good" lin said, "where is our grandchild lui" he asked, "is that all you came all the way here was to see (y/n) from your happy little island" lui said, "don't talk to your father like that" she said.

You then walked in and saw lui with two other people "(y/n) my sweet, my dog, this is your grandpa and grandma," he said.

You walked over and stayed near lui "hey, it's okay (y/n), don't be afraid, it's just our family (y/n)" he said, "it's just I don't know them yet, and I've never had grandparents or any other family besides my parents and brother" you said.

Lui came over and picked you up and hugged you "hey, it's okay (y/n); my mom is lovely, but my father is scary at times, but otherwise, he's nice, so there's no need to be afraid of dog," he said.

Lui brought you over to the man and woman "hey, it's okay; what was your name?" He asked, "(y/n)" you said, "well, it's nice to meet you (y/n)" he said.

You whipped away your tears and smiled "come cheer up for papa; how long have you lived with lui" he asked, "since I was ten" you said, "and how old are you now (y/n)" she asked, "eleven almost twelve probably" you said, "oh wow well your a big strong kid to live with lui and not run" she said, "mother!" Lui said, "what does she mean, dad," you asked.

Lui looked down at his parents "lui, you didn't tell your kid about your previous kids that ran the first chance they could," she said.


You just cried as lin took hold of you as lui and his parents started arguing and fighting "what are they talking about? Please tell me" you begged, "hey calm down, come on, I'll take you to your friends" he said, "no please don't make me leave please lin please tell me the truth please" you begged, "okay *p(y/n) I will" he said.

A/n: Here we go, another chapter; yay, and it's a long one this time. I can't wait to start getting these chapters out in the next few months; hehe, maybe next month or in the next few weeks; it depends If I want to update or not.

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