I'll always be here for you little sis

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Here's a One Shot about Mikey being a great big brother to his little sister Lola.

It was midnight, everyone else was sleeping in their own rooms all except for Lola she couldn't sleep at all she was beginning to have a nightmare.

Lola's Nightmare:

Lola was all alone she didn't know where she was everything was dark.

"Hello? Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey" she couldn't find her brothers.

Suddenly the ground begin to shake Lola was scared she tried to run but someone grabbed her leg she fell to the ground.

She screamed for help. "Mikey help!"

Tears were falling from her face as she turned around and sees shredder dragging her from behind.

"Let me go" she yelled as she was trying to get away from shredder but he was too strong.


"I'll make sure that you'll never see you're brothers again" shredder said.


Lola woke up screaming and she started to breathe heavily, she crying and sobbing in her bed.

Mikey came into her room and walked over to her bed to see if she was okay.

"Lola, what's wrong?" Mikey asked.

Lola jumped in Mikey's arms and started crying on his shoulder Mikey wrapped his arms around her.

"Mikey, please don't let shredder take me away from you, Raph, Leo, Donnie and dad" she was crying as tears were falling from her face.

"Lola, why would you think that?" Mikey asked.

"I had a bad dream that shredder was back and he took me away from you guys and I never saw you guys again" Lola was still crying in Mikey's arms as Mikey started to comfort his little sister.

"Shhhh, it's okay little sis I won't let that happen I'm here now." Mikey said he kissed her on the forehead trying to calm her down.

"Do you want me to stay here and sleep with you?" Mikey asked.

Lola sniffles and nodded, Mikey got into her bed as he pulled the covers over them. Lola layed her head on Mikey's chest.

Goodnight Mikey, I love you" Lola said as she started to fall asleep.

"I love you too little sis" Mikey said as he started to drift to sleep as well.

Awww Mikey is such great big brother. I definitely love rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles series Mikey is so funny and cute he's my favorite character.

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