the prank

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CASSIE HARTLEY was not a big fan of the famous winter gateways that she and her friends would plan each year. It was mainly due to the constant drama that would occur when the friend group came together for that weekend. Either a fight would break out mainly Emily and Jess being the ones who would instigate them or someone would end in tears which mostly consisted of Hannah. It was just too much for Cassie to handle especially for a whole weekend of being trapped together.

But just like the previous years, the girl had been persuaded or more like obligated to go by Beth and Sam. Both girls knew about the crush that the younger Hartley had for Josh which is how they managed to convince her to go each year. While Cassie's crush wasn't as obvious as Chris's crush on Ashley it was still bad.

For instance, many would consider Cassie Hartley a firecracker for her quick-tempered and her impulsiveness. But when she was around Josh it was like that side of her disappeared and in would come the reserved side of her. Which led Josh to believe that the girl hated him or couldn't stand him and he couldn't figure out why. He even had to resort to asking Chris and he couldn't come up with any reason as to why her sister would hate Josh.

"Okay Josh just went down and that was exactly fifteen minutes" Beth excitedly rushed out holding her watch up to the brunette girl with a playful smile adorning her face.

Cassie rolled her eyes as a small laugh escaped her lips as she pulled a twenty out of her back pocket. "It's not my fault that my brother is a lightweight how was I supposed to know that he would go down in six minutes" Both girls laughed at their little bet and watched as the snow fell covering the floor in a white mantle.

The calming scene was quickly ruined as Emily, Mike, Jess, and Sam entered the kitchen. Cassie couldn't help but be curious as the group was in a hushed conversation. But judging by Jess's attitude and a smirk she could guess that it was something bad. Cassie was not a huge fan of Jess both girls always arguing due to their strong personalities.

As Cassie walked over to the group the conversation seemed to fade out as Jess notice her walking in their direction sending a sweet smile at her. Mike and Emily did the same while Sam looked worried. Which only increased Cassie's suspicions about what the trio where planning. "What are you doing?" Cassie questioned leaning on the kitchen counter and crossing her arms. "Oh, nothing Cas we were just leaving" Jess responded and with that, the trio left leaving Sam behind.

"What's going on?" Cassie asked as Sam told her about the prank that they were planning on Hannah and how everyone was involved in it. Cassie was immediately furious wanting to slap that smile that Jess had. Knowing that this most likely was her idea.

Both girls exited the kitchen and went upstairs calling Hannah's name eventually they found her but it was too late. Hannah ran out of the room crying pushing past Sam and Cassie as she did so. Cassie shot daggers at everyone before going after Hannah, Sam following close being.

"What's going on? Where's my sister going?" Beth asked worryingly looking around for answers. Ugh, it's fine, she just can't take a joke..." If looks could kill Cassie was sure that Jess would already be dead.

"It was just a prank, Han!" Emily yelled, "What did you do?" Beth questioned an accusing tone in her voice as she looks at Mike directly since the note had come from him.

"We were just messing around, Beth. It wasn't serious..."

"You jerks!"

Beth ran into the woods screaming Hannah's name her silhouette disappeared into the darkness. "So... should we go after her?" Mike asked making Cassie question how Hannah was in love with him. "Y'know, I kinda think you're the last person she wants to see right now, Mike," Sam responded.

Eventually, all of the teens went back inside to wait for the twins to return Cassie looked out the window waiting to see her friends return not knowing that it would be the last time that the twins would be seen.

authors note
The prologue is finally completed yay!
It honestly took me some time to write this since my motivation kept disappearing but i finally finished it. I hope that you guys enjoy it and please don't be a silent reader i would love to hear your thoughts on Cassie and this chapter. Also i will try and update regularly.

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