🎃👻Birth Of A Demon Girl👻🎃

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[Word count - 1,148]

October 30th...

Location - Live House CiRCLE

It was the night before Halloween. All the girl bands gathered together at Live House CiRCLE to share ghost stories with each other. Marina was there to set the mood. She closed CiRCLE for the night, and covered the windows so that no one could see them.

One by one, the girls took turns telling stories. Some were scary, and others weren't. The others were enjoying themselves a lot, even the serious girls, such as Yukina, Sayo, etc., couldn't help but smile as Kokoro and Hagumi were telling a story about a ghost haunting a mansion.

Finally hearing so many stories, it was finally Ran's turn to tell a story. She hesitated for a while, then looked over to the other members of Afterglow, who beckoned her on.

"Go on, Ran." Moca said. "Tell it, it won't hurt."

"I don't know if I should..." Ran replied as the pressure was starting to get to her.

"It's up to you, Ran-chan." Tsugumi said. "It might be scary, but you don't have to tell it."

"Thanks Tsugumi, but I don't think it's helping..."

"Come on!" Chu2 barked. "Are you going to tell the story or not?"

"Ah, Chu2-sama, please watch how you speak." Pareo said.

"I'm just saying if she's not going to tell her story, then we should just move on."

"I mean, do you guys really want to hear it?" Ran asked everyone.

"Yes! I bet it would be boppin' story!" Hina said and a few others agreed with her.

"Well, okay then..." Ran said before clearing her throat.

"This story is about a girl who isn't exactly... normal."

"W-What do you mean by that?" Kanon asked.

"Well, they say that some kids are born good or bad, and I'm sorry to say that this girl was bad indeed." Ran said before going further with the story.

"No one knew why this girl was bad, or what lend her to do the things she did. As for her name... we'll call her... The Demon Girl."

"What exactly did this Demon Girl do?" Eve asked.

"They say The Demon Girl was out of control. She once pushed a handicap kid to the ground because they were in front of her, and beaten the crap out of them with a glass bottle."

Kasumi and Rimi looked at each other with widened eyes.

"Another time is when they were on a class trip, she pushed everyone out of the way to be on first. You could say that the teacher was embarrassed by such of a behavior."

Tomoe and Himari looked nervously at each other, as if a bad memory as spread across their minds.

"This is starting to get scary." Aya said.

"Y-You said it..." Ako replied with a stutter. 

"Many of the students were afraid of her and tried to get her out of school, so the next day, a few students went to the principal to launch their complaints. But sadly, the principal couldn't do anything about it."

"Her parents own half of the city, so I can't kick her out of the school." Ran said, mimicking the fictional principal.

"And... what happened next?" Eve asked.

"Well..." Ran started. "it said that the Demon Girl was passing through at the time. She saw the students talking to the principal about her, and confronted them."

"How dare you tell the principal on me!" She snapped. "I will make you pay."

Everyone's eyes were glued to Ran. Some were terrified by the story, and the rest wanted to know what was going to happen next.

Ran looked over to the other members of Afterglow, wondering what she should do next.

"B-But..." Ran stuttered a bit. "She was serious about what she said."

"What do you mean by that?" Rimi asked.

"Well... the students that told on her told a ride on the bus. The Demon Girl knew they were on it. So without thinking, she jumped in front of the bus, causing the bus driver to freak and crashed the bus... into a preschool."

Everyone was speechless.

"A preschool? Really?" Kasumi asked.

"Yes. The sight of it of awful." Ran replied. "Many innocent people lost their lives on that day, but The Demon Girl didn't care. All she cared about was getting revenge on those students."

"This story doesn't have any smiles at all." Kokoro said.

"And it doesn't have a single rabbit in it either." Tae said.

"Now now, you two. Let Mitake-san finish her story." Maya said.

"Alright." The two said in unison.

"Please tell she got what she deserved." Arisa said.

"Don't worry, she did." Ran replied. "A witness saw what she did and called the cops on her."

"Phew." Arisa said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"She was arrested and was put on a trial. The judge sentenced her to juvenile hall, but even that wasn't enough to contain her, so they moved her to the insane asylum outside of town."

"Could she... still be alive?" Kaoru asked.

"I don't know, but the important thing to remember is be careful of the people around you. You never know how they'll behave at the end of the day..."

Everyone was quiet for a while, and then...


Hina popped out wearing her devil costume, making everyone jump. But a few seconds, Ran and Hina began to laugh.

"Haha, we got them good, didn't we?" Hina asked.

"Yes I agree."

"Hang on! You planned this?" Arisa asked.

"Oh yeah, you should've seen your faces." Ran said, holding back her laugh.

"Quite out of character for you." Yukina pointed out.

"I must admit, you got me good." Masking said.

"Yeah, and that story, though..." Ako began.

"It was a twisted story, wasn't it?" Touko said.

"Fuee! I think I'll have to sleep with the lights on tonight." Kanon said.

"And I'll have to hug my bunnies while sleeping." Tae said.

A few minutes later...

Location - Residential Area

After all the Halloween stories were told, everyone went home for the night. The Afterglow girls went home together. Once they were alone, they looked at Ran who was embarrassed, and feel a bit uneasy.

"A fine performance, Ran." Moca said. "Even though it's not an easy story for you to tell."

"Thanks. I didn't think I would end up telling the whole story myself." Ran replied.

"Did anyone know who that Demon Girl was?" Tsugumi asked.

"The only one who could've known was Ako." Tomoe replied. "But she too young at the time to remember."

"Do you think she's still in the asylum, or did she break out?" Himari asked, but none of them gave her an answer.

The five girls looked up at the moon, hoping that The Demon Girl wouldn't come back to haunt them again.

The end

A/N: Happy Halloween 2022

Birth of a Demon Girl [A BanG Dream Halloween Special]Where stories live. Discover now