War of the Gods - Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

I turned and burst through Adrian and Adronis. "If you kill me will you let everyone else go?"

I'd never thought about my death, or how I would go, but this would be okay. Dying for civilization would be one hell of a way to make an exit.

"You think sacrificing yourself will end their fate? Will save those pathetic humans? Once I kill you, they all die."

"Then we'll fight. You'll pay for all of this. You killed my parents!"

"You're parents?" He looked at me confused for a moment then smiled. "You're in for a big surprise."

Adrian grabbed my arm and dragged me through the temple. The hill going down didn't seem as steep this time. We all boarded on the chariot as Cronus appeared at the edge of the temple. The chariot lurched forward, and was in the air.

Adrian wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tight. "Don't do that again."

All I could do was cry. Athens was in ruins. Bodies lay strewn about the streets. I couldn't believe what I saw.

"Will this be reversed?"

"Will what be reversed?" Athena asked as she drove the chariot north toward Mt. Olympus.

"All of the destruction and death," I whispered.

"I don't know. That is up to Zeus. He usually let's things be as they are."

"He can't leave the world like this. He can't let the entire world lay in ruin."

"It's not up to us."

"I won't help if he doesn't. What need would there be for us if there are no people?"

I couldn't believe it. Was it possible that everyone would remain dead? The world would lay in ruin? I tried to push the thought out of my head.

We were approaching a smaller town. The few people left alive roamed about the streets in a sort of daze but all the buildings were reduced to crumpled heaps of rubble. I turned my attention to the mountain ahead of us. Mt. Olympus. The horses sped up and were running up the side of the mountain but it couldn't be the Olympus I had read about in all those books. The marble buildings that were surrounding the edges of the mountain were in shambles. A few scattered lanterns and torches remained lit casting eerie shadows along the remains of the buildings. The stairs leading up to the peak were missing enormous chunks. The massive temple at the top of the long staircase was reduced to two standing walls. I looked around in disbelief. The home of the gods was destroyed. Then it hit me. The gods were nowhere to be seen.

"Where are they?" Adronis whispered.

"I don't know," Athena said, trying to hold back the tears.

"What was that?" I asked, turning my head toward a noise emanating from beneath the waste..

I saw a large column roll to the side. A man lay partially buried under all the debris. Athena gasped and ran to his side. Dropping to her knees, she let a sob disgrace her godly throat. Tears streaked her dirty face. She pulled the man's head into her lap and stroked his black hair. He looked so familiar. I took a few steps closer and couldn't believe it. I knelt down on the other side of him using the hem of my dress to wipe the dirt, blood, and marble dust off his face. It was Clarence Rhodes. My eyes grew wide and I scrambled backward. I scurried to my feet and stared in disbelief.

"Cara, I want you to meet..."

I cut her off, "Mr. Clarence Rhodes?"

"No, Cara. This is Ares."

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