War of the Gods - Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-One

I looked up and screamed as the gods stopped their advance to Olympus and watched in horror as I fell. They disappeared above the clouds. I looked down and saw the brown earth approaching fast. I threw my arms and legs out, slowing my body a bit. I saw a flash of white and felt the touch of silky smooth feathers. Pegasus flew below me and out of sight. As we neared the ground and further out of sight, he moved under me. Then just before I hit the ground he flapped his wings and we were heading back up. My heart crawled up my throat. As we ascended back to the heavens I could see the chariots the Titans were on. Cronus was on a horrifically adorned chariot. I was able to see the sides and it depicted death. A brutal scene of what appeared to be Cronus slaying a person. I squinted, looking harder. The person he was beheading and disemboweling at the same time was me. There was no mistaking that I drew my sword from the scabbard and pulled my shield from my back as Pegasus swooped to the back. He flapped his wings and we emerged from the clouds. I heard the gasps of surprised gods and saw the look of dread on the Titans faces. Hyperion was the closest to me. His body began to glow like the sun. I used my shield to block my eyes as I swung at him. He was knocked off balance and began to fall. As the Titans scattered the gods were able to pass them. Once they were all a safe distance I turned Pegasus and we chased after them.

"I thought you were dead!" Adrian yelled at me.

"Can't keep a good goddess down," I laughed.

"It's not funny."

"That was actually brilliant," Ares said, pulling his chariot alongside us.


"I knew you had Athena's brains in there somewhere," Zeus said.

"Well, let's not stand around here while they regain themselves. Shall we?" Apollo said, nudging his swans on.

"Dad's right. We need to get to Olympus," Adronis agreed.

Our small group of immortals continued on the way. We knew it wouldn't take the Titans long to get Hyperion situated and to get their senses regained. Hopefully we would at least get a good distance between us. It was amazing how fast we were moving. Looking down, I was almost dizzy watching the clouds and earth fly past. Pillars of smoke rose into the air. We were passing over another ruined town.

"Thessaly," I heard Adrian say.

"Your home?"

"Yes," he sighed.

"I'm sorry."

He just nodded with his lower lip trembling. I hadn't realized I wasn't the only one who had lost something in all of this. I scanned the faces of the Gods. They all looked forlorn and a bit lost. Except Ares. He had a smirk on his face and appeared driven by some crazy internal force. I didn't expect him to be that upset but some other emotion would have been better. What could we expect though? After all this is what he lived for, wars. Thessaly disappeared behind us and Mt. Olympus rose from the earth. It looked even more commanding than before. Despite being in the air, I still couldn't see the top. The clouds blocked our view. All of our animals stopped short.

"What's wrong?" Hermes called.

"I don't know, the dogs won't go on," Hephaestus called out.

"Neither will my horses," Hades said.

"Um, I think I know why."

"Why?" Zeus asked, looking at me.

All I could do was shakily point my hand. "It could be the enormous, half-naked man coming down from Olympus."

"Not them again," Poseidon groaned.

"You know the large naked man?"

I couldn't do anything but stare. It's not every day that you see a giant. Especially not one who only wore a loincloth.

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