Chapter 11- Fishing

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I was now 16 weeks 5 days and you could sort of tell I had a bump. The past few weeks the baby had kicking quite a lot and I don't think he/she was going to stop anytime soon. I woke up this morning feeling extremely tired as most of the night I had been tossing and turning. As soon as I woke up I could smell a gorgeous scent of pancakes coming from downstairs. I climbed out of bed and put on my robe and slippers and headed downstairs to see Derek,April and Lexie in the kitchen. I slowly walked in yawning my head off and sat down on the stool next to the island. Derek lay out a plate with pancakes with chocolate and strawberries on top. "you know me to well." I laughed, looking down at these neatly presented pancakes. " I know you very well." Derek smirked," how are you feeling?" " very tired, but besides that I'm good." I replied. "Mer is today your day off?" April questioned. "Thankfully, it is." I answered while stuffing my face with pancakes. Lexie was just heading off to work as Derek sat down next me and kissed me on my cheek. " I'm going to spend the week with my sisters so I'm not going to be here." April explained grabbing her suitcase that was leaning against the front door." oh okay." I smiled. " have a good time." Derek wished. Now it was just me and Derek. Derek had the day off too so we had to find something we could do together. "So..what do you want do?" I questioned as I went to put my plate in the sink. "I mean, we could go fishing?" Derek suggested. "Fishing? Really Derek? Does it look like I know how to fish, plus it's freezing outside!" I said starring at his gorgeous, blue eyes. "I'm a good teacher and you can put on extra layers."He laughed as he walked towards me and kissed my neck.I rolled my eyes and smiled. " fine we can go." I groaned and then we both headed upstairs to get dressed.

We were upstairs packing our stuff. "We'll need to go to my trailer and get my fishing rod, I should have a spare one for you." Derek smiled becoming overly excited. I just nodded at him and put on my thick,fluffy coat. Derek took our bags to the car and Derek drove us to his trailer. I waited in the car for Derek to get what he needed and let my hand float at the bottom of my growing stomach. "When you grow up, you can go fishing with your father too." I smiled looking down at my stomach. The car door opened. "Who are you talking too?" Derek asked putting on his seat belt. " oh no-one." I lied.

We arrived at the lake and all I can say was it was beautiful. The water was crystal clear and as still as a statue. The golden sun peeped over the clouds forcing its way out. Derek took our bags out of the car and we went over to hire a boat. We placed all our stuff in our timber boat and Derek got in first. Derek held my hand tightly helping me into the boat as my nerves were all over the place. I carefully sat down and tried to get comfortable on the wooden seats. "So I think it's best if we go on the east side of the lake and then we will make our way around depending on if we catch any fish." Derek suggested as he began to drive the boat. I just sat there admiring the peaceful lake and the colossal mountains. I picked up a fishing rod and placed the bait on the end of the hook. Derek could see I was struggling on how to use it so he leant over and helped me. " okay so wined that towards yourself, then pull I backwards and throw it forwards." I did what he said and I could feel his face beaming over my shoulder. " now what do I do?" I questioned. "wait." He replied.

It had been around 30 minutes and I was still waiting. Derek was clearly enjoying himself but I wasn't, I didn't understand why he enjoyed fishing, for me it's boring but I went along with it anyway. It had been silent for a while, Derek said the more silent, the more fish we catch, but that clearly wasn't working. Derek broke the silence, " you hungry?" "for sure." I said, knowing that was the best thing he had asked me all day. We ate some sandwiches and continued with our fishing. I had to replace my bait as the old bait had fell off the hook. Once I did that, I threw the end of the hook back into the cerulean water. After spending half of the day bored off my mind, I nearly gave up and was about to ask Derek if we could home until I felt a tug on the end of my fishing rod. " omg!" I yelled as I quickly stood up, " Derek,Derek I think I caught something!" Derek stood up quickly and wrapped his arms around me and placed his hands on top of mine. " okay so carefully and calmly wined it up." Derek smiled. I did what he said and then saw a scaly,wet,slippery creature attached to the hook. " aaahhh!" I squealed. Derek helped me with the rest and then placed the fish in the bucket. " you did!" Derek congratulated me."I did!" I smiled looking down at the fish. " I'm so proud of you." Derek came over to me and kissed me on the cheek. " you moms a professional fisherwoman." Derek laughed looking down at my stomach.

After that excitement, Derek thought it would be best if went back to the deck and went to see how much the fish,I caught, weighed. Derek helped me out of the boat and we took out our stuff and the very important fish. Derek took the fish over to the fisherman who owned the fishing business and began to weight it. "5lbs 2oz." The fisherman smiled. Derek grew a huge smiled on his face and clapped. I looked into his eyes and could tell how proud he was of me,especially when he has a passion for fishing. I smiled back at him, " so what now?" I questioned. " lets take a picture." Derek smiled. I nodded and got handed a heavy,slimy fish. My face began to frown as the smell of the fish attacked my nose. "Smile." The fisherman said as Derek asked if he could take a photo of me and the fish. Derek didn't want to be in the picture as he wanted it to just be me and the fish as I caught it. The photo was taken and Derek's face blossomed throughout the whole thing.

 The photo was taken and Derek's face blossomed throughout the whole thing

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^^ Derek's face

~2 hours later~
We had been home for an hour and Derek had just finished cooking the fish. We sat at the dining room table with Lexie,Jackson and Alex and we all ate. Derek wouldn't stop bragging about how I caught it. I could see everyone was getting bored of Derek repeating himself so I tapped Derek shoulder and whispered, " okay, thank you but that's enough now, they get." Derek went quiet and then everyone else began to explain about their day at the hospital and the cases they got. After dinner, everyone went upstairs apart from me. Derek had gone for a shower and Jackson went to bed, I think and Lexie and Alex went to do some dirty as I could hear them from downstairs. I was washing the dishes and the felt a small pain in my abdomen. The baby was moving round like crazy. I had just finished drying the dishes and went to sit down in the living room. I turned on the TV and tried to ignore the fact that the baby was doing gymnastics in my stomach. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. A tall, handsome figure stood at the doorway. It was of course,Derek. " hey." he smiled and sat down next to me. " hey." I sighed turning off the TV. " you okay?" he asked as he wiped my hair out of my face and kissed my cheek. "Mhm." I groaned. Derek could tell I was lying. " you sure?" Derek questioned. "Let's go to bed." I said trying to change the subject.

We went upstairs and got dressed into our pyjamas and climbed into bed. I sat up in bed as Derek watched me. I placed my hand on my stomach, feeling the baby doing flips every 2 minutes. " you're not okay." Derek looked into my eyes and placed his hand on top of mine. I sighed, " it's just the baby's kicking and thinking that they're in a gymnast competition or something and it just hurts, plus I'm tired from hardly getting sleep last night."Derek frowned and began to talk to baby to try to calm him/her down. For some reason it worked. It was around 21:35 and the baby had settled down. Derek had fallen asleep with his hand still on my stomach and I lay down starring at the ceiling and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

A/N In the next chapter, I'm just going to pretend Meredith and Cristina's friendship is good because I'm kinda fed up of the Cristina and Mer not really talking to each other. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Insta- merdermainly

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