Chapter 2 - News

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The alarm went off and I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. I turned over to see the other half of the bed was empty. I got out of bed a had a quick shower and got dressed and headed downstairs to see Lexie and Alex in the kitchen. You could tell they were tired as there were purple bags under their eyes. " hey guys have you seen Derek?" I asked. " uh yeah, he parked his car in the parking lot as me and Lexie headed here, I think he got paged 911 or something because he looked like he was in a rush." Alex explained. "oh okay." I replied getting myself 2 pieces of toast. I ate them quickly so I wouldn't be late for work.

~At the hospital~
I arrived at the hospital and I wasn't feeling like myself. I began to have a headache and my throat felt dry so I went to get myself some coffee after I got dressed in my bright blue scrubs. I hadn't seen Derek or Cristina today so I was looking round for them until I hear " hey Grey get yourself over here I need your help with my patient." Bailey yelled across the ER. I ran over to her, " what do you need?" Bailey answered, " could you please get a head CT and take Mr Morris for a MRI scan because I'm getting a 911 page from April. " yeah of course." I replied looking back at her. I grabbed Mr Morris' gurney and pulled it to the 2nd floor for a MRI scan. I sat down waiting for the scans to load. I rubbed my head still having a headache and then began to feel a little nauseous. I held it in and the scan finally loaded up, they were clean. I turned to my right to see Charles walk past and asked him if he could take this patient for a head CT. " uh sure." he answered."when you're done take the scans to Bailey." I told him. I then ran to the bathroom and threw up in the sink. I looked up at the mirror to see my pale face. 'Why do I feel like this?' I thought to myself. I then cleaned up and continued to work. I still hadn't seen Derek or Cristina which put me in a mood. I went over to the O.R board to see Cristina was in surgery. I asked the nurse at the nurses station to page Dr.Shepherd but then she replied with, " I'm sorry I can't do that he asked if no one could disturb him, he's extremely busy." " okay." I said annoyed. It was still quite early, it was 9:42. I went back down the the ER and Owen called me over to trauma 2. "What do we have here?" I questioned. " 25 year old female, unconscious in the field and broken 3 ribs, her hip and there is blood in the abdomen." Owen explained quickly. " okay page Dr.Torres and Dr.Webber please." I shouted. I was taking care of the patient until all of a sudden they began to wake. " my baby is my baby okay." She said with a concerned look. " your baby?" I asked looking confused. " I'm 11 weeks." The patient said. " page Dr.Robbins." I told one of the nurses as I lifted up the patients shirt and squirted some gel and placed down the wand on her stomach and did an ultra sound. Webber,Torres and Robbins arrived and took over. I then felt sick again and went to sit on a gurney in the hallway and thought to myself, 'what I can't be.' I got up and then walked over to a storage room and then grabbed out a pregnancy test. I hid it in my lab coat and went to the bathroom. I waited until the bathroom was empty and did what I needed to do.

~10 mins later~
I was in the locker room and had the pregnancy test in my pocket. I was sitting on a bench waiting for everyone to leave. My left leg was shaking nervously but I was also excited. When all the residents had left, I took a deep breath and took the test out of my pocket and looked down. A grin grew on my face, it was positive! I heard Jackson and Reed coming towards the door and quickly hid it in my bag. " you alright Mer?" Jackson asked. " yeah I'm good." I replied trying to wipe my huge smile off my face. I walked outside the locker room and knew I need to find Derek and Cristina.

A/N I really enjoyed writing this I hope you guys like it. I will be making Chapter 3 as soon as I publish this.
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