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It's been two weeks since my mother's confession and things were only getting worse. My mom was loosing her hair and every day she got weaker and weaker

Well you must be wondering how I was taking all this. It was hard, my grades had dropped and I had lost weight but I knew I had to be strong for my mom and Alicia was there too and I was grateful to her for that

So today was a Saturday and that meant no school for me. I woke up took a shower and decided to visit my mom, I still lived in our home even though Alicia had asked me countless times to move in with them but I just couldn't. Moving out would make me feel like I was giving up on my mom

I know it sounds crazy but I think if a miracle happens and she comes back she has to find me here at home waiting for her. I didn't even bother to make myself something to eat, how can I eat when my mother was having having a bigger problem. Food was the least of my worries my focus was on my mother and nothing else

I locked the house and caught a cab to the hospital. I arrived paid the driver and walked in. I already knew my way  around so there was no need to  ask the receptionist when I got into my mother's ward she was fast asleep so I sat there not wanting to wake her up.

After a few minutes my mom woke up. 'Hey mom' instead of replying she just gave me a cold look making me feel like a stranger
'mom are you alright? Do you need me to call a doctor?' She didn't say anything but just pointed at the glass of water which I quickly gave to her 'thank you' she said after drinking 'so how are you feeling today? ' I asked knowing that she wasn't getting better 'I'm sorry but do I know you?' I froze. That question went through my chest and straight to my heart.
It felt like someone was continuously stabbing my heart and tears rushed down my face like a flood

My own mother couldn't recognise me?? Her own blood? ? I rushed out in search of a doctor I needed an explanation. Fortunately I bumped into one right at the door 'Miss James' 'why doesn't my own mother recognize me?'I asked with a voice filled with emotion. Dr Mohammed (that's what his name tag said) looked at me with sympathy 'your mother's condition is affecting her mentally' he said and I waited for him to continue 'she doesn't want to accept her condition and she stresses a lot so her body is finally reacting to the stress' I waited for him to tell me he was joking but he didn't. Instead he left me there and I didn't know whether to go back in or just go back home. I mean it would be useless staying especially if the person you're staying for doesn't even recognize you

I decided to go back in anyways she was still my mother even though she didn't know who I was anymore. 'Excuse me young lady, what am I doing here?' My mom asked me as soon as I entered and I didn't know how to an answer that question but can you blame me. I decided to ignore her question 'The doctor said you must rest' I said as I sat on the chair next to her bed 'but you haven't answered my question' she said genuinely interested on the answer
'rest first and I'll answer your question when you wake up' I said as if I was talking to a baby 'ok then' she said and a few minutes later I heard her soft snores

I sat there and cried. what was God punishing me for? out of all my body parts he decides to take my backbone knowing exactly that without it I was as good as nothing why my mother?  Why were all the terrible things happening to me? Why couldn't I just live my life like a normal teenager?? Why was life being so unfair to me? ?

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