30. Still trying to hide your dirty secret?

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On the 51th floor in Jungkook's office, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok, they all are chatting in Jungkook's office, it was Jin's Idea to meet everyone here, because Jungkook is busy to spare sometime for them and in upcoming days he will be more busy with Jimin so, that's why they decided to hangout together after a longtime. Jungkook is also there sitting on of the the single couch with little soo-hyun on his lap who is eating strawberries non stop after Yoongi told him not too eat so many then he dozed off again on the couch making everyone rolls their eyes.

"Jungkook you have to tell Jimin." Jin said looking at soo-hyun worriedly. "Soon". He wishpered turning his gaze towards Jungkook, who gulped nervously, ruffling the little girl hair he nodded towards Jin.

"I will, tonight." Jungkook said in a low voice taking a deep breath. He kissed soo-hyun's forehead he will do everything to keep her with himself, she was his responsibility, the child wasn't at fault, he can't let her suffer.

Jimin will understand him. Didn't he?

"So Hoseok, how's everything going with your work?" Namjoon asked to hoseok trying to change the topic, Hoseok who is sitting on Taehyung's lap quickly raised his head from Taehyung's shoulder to look at Namjoon.

"Everything is going well, Tae helps me whenever I don't understand something." Hoseok answers Namjoon happily, he seemed excited to start his work, everyone is happy for Hoseok, finally his dreams coming true, he never said anything but they all knows it's his dream. He sacrifices so much to be with Taehyung's he even left his job in Korea to go with Taehyung when Taehyung's got so many offers from New York and other countries, Taehyung tried to make him understand that he don't have to quit, he can stay here and continue his job and he will come back on weekends, but Hoseok never left Taehyung, he cried that he will die if he was separated from Taehyung even for a day.

"Don't worry you will learn everything by time." Jin said lifting his spirit he smiled at him cheerfully. Taehyung squeezed him in his embrace leaving a light kiss on his lips making him blush.

"Mr. Park will be discharged today, right?" Jin asked looking at Jungkook who nodded unconsciously lost in his thoughts. "Don't you all think we should celebrate? I mean he is well now and Jimin and Jungkook's relationship is getting better too. So I think we should arrange a small get together." Jin suggested and everyone agreed with him.

"So, when it will be?" Namjoon asked looking at Jungkook who shrugged.

"I will talk to Jimin." He replied then they started remember and talking about college days when everything is perfectly fine and beautiful.


Jimin entered in the elevator, looking down at the floor hiding his blushing cheeks from others, when he entered in the company with plastic bag of food lots of employees saw him, they may knows everything what's going on between their CEO and his secretary, they bowed to him, he is getting so much attention of employees after that incident with the girl, everyone respects him or some also scared they don't want to loose their job.

His heart speed increased as the elevator going up floor by floor, he is feeling wierd sensation in his stomach, maybe he is too much excited to see Jungkook, he shrugged. Holding the plastic bag tightly he stepped out from the elevator making his way towards Jungkook's office.

Not noticing someone's evil eyes on him.

In every step he takes towards the office his heart thumped louder, he can feel his heartbeat and the tingling in his stomach, he was about to knock on the door but stopped.

It was a surprise, right?

Bun then he heard some familiar voices, hesitating he fling open the door to see their friends and hyungs are also there, he smiled at them nervously looking down.

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