2. Dead Body In The Bathroom

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Dead Boy's POV

The bell rings for the last time today. I am supposed to go join my friends to tell them goodbye for the last time until monday. But I need to pee so bad. So instead of going with them, I run to the bathroom. So I walk fast to the toilet and open the unlocked door. And when I am facing the white toilet, a hand brutishly grabs my mouth.

Its feels like the hand is wearing a glove. The hand is soaked of a liquid that smells like alcohol. I try to take off their hand off my face. But they are too strong for me. And after around 15 seconds the world around me starts turning fast. My eyes slowly close and I begin to feel sleepy. But when I think im gonna pass away I feel a knife penetrating my back.
I feel all my blood dripping on the floor. I try to scream but I can't even breath anymore. I feel another stab higher on my back. I cant do anything anymore. The person lets me fall on the floor. I try to scream for help. But I can't. I turn to look at their face. But my vision is blurry. However I still understand that I have seen their face before. The murderer violently hits me with their foot. And I die.


The dead body is surrounded by red stripes. The police is noting things on their notepads because they are smart. The FBI boss is looking intensively to the corpses of the dead boy. A man comes and surprise her by behind.

-Poor little boy... he says

-Haha.... yes, responds the woman.

-Are we close to finding who did this?

-No. Not at all. We still need to find a lot of things before. Like, the way they were killed, the reason why they were murdered all the suspects and even more.

-Who are the most possible suspects?

-Well it could be any teacher or it could be another kid who harrased him. His friends are still to shocked to respond to all the questions we ask them, responds the FBI boss.


The man's reaction was emotionless. It did not seem like he was really interrested. But it was in his job.

-You must be the inspector, says the boss while turning her body to his direction.

-Yes its me, responds the man

-So why did you ask me these questions?

The inspector knew that the woman would ask this, so he already had his response prepared.

-Just to know.

It wasn't complexe but it was enough to make her shut up. The inspector squats to be closer to the dead student's body and he calmly says to the woman:

-Anyone could be the killer. It could be me. It could be this guy over there, he points a random policeman. It could be the school's principal, Ms. Gropet. It could be a teacher.

He looks at the FBI boss in a weird way. She looks at him confused by his way to talk like he did not care about the boy's death. The inspector unsquats, steps one time in the direction the FBI boss and continues his little speech;

-Or it could be... you.

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