3. Alpha Male

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Samoto Apetté's POV.

Olala I need to pee! Or poop? Oh yes, I need to poop. I will just go to the bathroom. I run to the toilets but the door is closes and yellow strips are surrounding it. OH NO!! I forgot someone was killed here. And this is the only boy's bathroom of the school. I turn my head agressively to the girl's one. And I have an idea. I will just go poop here. They all already know that I am an andrew tate fan so I have to right to go there.

I enter the girls bathroom and everyone looks at me weirdly. I dont understand why. Like, I am an alpha male, there are supposed to respect me. I recognize one of the girls. Its Sardina. She walks confidently in my direction and poses like a model.

-What are you doing there? she says outloud. Bitch.

Ew. A woman is trying to insult me. And, honestly, I want to cry a little bit but, alpha males dont show sad emotions.

-Im not a bitch. You a bitch!

I raise my hand in a ball position and hit her face violently. She falls dramatically on the floor. Her head hits so hard the floor that the right side of her forhead starts to bleed. Every girl in the bathroom looks at the body of Sardina, shocked. I realize what I just did. I wait a moment before letting out a little laugh.

-Aha! I say. That is what happens when you try to insult an alpha male.

Sardina does not move. Is she dead? Am I the killer now? The blood continues to flow out of her head without stoping. So I remember why I came here. Pooping. I approach one of the toilets and all the girls, without saying a word, move out of my way. That is what it feels like to be scary. I am a monster. And I love it.


-WHAT!?!? screams Ms. Gropet while dividing every syllable with a weird tongue move. YOU ARE TELLING ME A STUDENT KILLED ANOTHER STUDENT AND WENT POOPING JUST AFTER?

-Yes, calmly says The Concierge. But according to the ambulance the girl is not dead, she is just in a severe coma.

Ms. Gropet sighs in exasperation. She slap gently her head with the palm of her right hand. After trying to calm down she says:

-Nobody who is not related to the student in coma and the other one who placed HER IN COMA-, she breaths in and out three times, can know about what happened in this bathroom. We can not ruin the reputation of the school. Because last week we already lost 37 students because of what happened to that boy in the bathroom... And why am I saying this to you! You are just a concierge. Go do your job.

Without a word, The Concierge walks out of the principal's office with his hands behind his back.


Samoto Apetté's POV.

Im at the police interrogation thing with the metal walls and metal table in the middle. I am sitting on a really uncomforable gray chair. A man dresses with a cop costume is sitting on the same chair on the other side of the table. He has a document in his hands.

-First of all, says the police man without any salutations, why were you in the girls bathroom.

-Well, I respond, the guy's bathrooms were closed and I really needed to poop so if I went to the becosse I would have shat myself because of the amout of time to go to there. So, I went to the girls bathroom because it was closer. And.... im an alpha male so I have the right to do anything that has a connection with woman.

He is a man, so he is supposed to understand me. But instead of aproving what I say he just continues with his stupid questions.

-Why did you need to hit the girl instead of just telling her what you just told me.

-I just said it, I respond again, im an alpha male.

He asks me alot of questions after those ones. But i always respond that I am an alpha male. Because its true. Most of the ''interview'' I was thinking of Atoulo and the way he looks at me in class and what he would think of me if he knew I was arrested by the police. He probably would be happy for me. Its my dream to be where I am right now. Real alpha males get arrested. And real alpha males act like they have a crush on their homies. No?


Asher Ursula's POV.

I am at my house. Its 12:29 pm. I finjsh eating my sandwich au thon. Normally I would eat with my the boys but... I dont know, they are acting weird this time around. They are always touching eachother's butt. And they act like they like. Also they won't stop saying they are alpha males. I, luckily, live close to school. So, when im tired of having them around me I just have to say that i want to eat at my house. But, honestly, sometimes I am a little bit jealous of Atoulo. Samoto touches him most of the time and he almost never touches my butt.

Every so often I realize that the boyz dont really listen to me when I ask a question or when I try to begin a conversation. Its like im not enough of an alpha male for them. Apparently Samoto was arrested for hitting a girl. So, according to the boyz, he is a alpha male now. I am not sure if I agree with that.

My phones buzzes in my pocket. I put down my sandwich and look at my phone. I see a notification from the school's site. It has been a week that I did not see a notification from them. Its says, in bold red letters:

Another young boy was found dead on the bathroom floor in the Merdic School.

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