Dr. Cimmerian Almost Goes Out On a Limb

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Well... This wasn't as anticipated.

"The guy with the burnt face? The lad we totally not tossed out of the plane."

Chimera towered over Oscar and me, I could see his venomous yellow colored eyes staring back at me, burning trough the dark googles he wore. Turns out the man we were looking for was infact tossed out of the plane we hijacked.

"...Please tell me you spared the pilot.."

"About that..."
Oscar's aussie-british voice spoke.

There was a pause of brief silence between the three of us. I'm almost convinced that chimera hasn't shattered our bodies yet unless we do one more bullshit thing to tip him off.

Nothing like Oscar's french violet eyes— I thought.

Chimera sighed and changed the subject to another life threatening matter. Apparently planes don't fly on their own and nobody knows how to maneuver one.

"Are you suggesting we jump?"

How has chimera doged a coat hanger for nine months baffles me to no end.

"Yes, yes I am unless we are in the middle of the Atlantic ocean that is."

I knew better than to bicker more (even though I have become a moron at this point). We would just be waisting more time and effort.

I was the first one who jumped out the plane doing summersaults in the cold autumn air as I plummeted to the hard ground, and that wasn't even the worst part.



I woke up dazed, really dazed. Maybe a little too dizzy for my liking. I looked down to see that I've been impaled by a large tree stick.

Yup, I'll feel that one in the morning.

My back was pumped-shocked with adrenaline, I should be dying. I'm definitely dying. The tree that I'm hanging from seemed to have nastily split as if lighting had struck it.

My numb legs dangled in the air while my arms felt asleep in my bodily pain. My two mains worries were Oscar and chimera and of course being stuck here in a neighborhood where the foundation can totally capture me.

The pain shot everywhere and my body couldn't stop straining, everything hurts unsurprisingly. I can feel every organ tissue twitching as splinters impale them, I couldn't feel myself breathe trough my balaclava as the strong smell of stomach acid made my head spin more. I can feel the ripped organ of my skin in eleven different parts, it had finally hit me that I'm about to die.

I can hear the faint sounds of ambulances and firetrucks, as my battered ribcage couldn't hold on my spotty vision began to darkened.

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