Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 2

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Jules: "Alright now that your break is finished, we will watch the last part of this universe."
Mina: "Aw I like this universe."
Jules: "Don't worry this won't be the only one we are reacting to."
Aizawa: "I think we should get started, we heroes are busy, we can't be away for too long."
Jules: "Don't worry as long as you are here time is stopped in the real world. But I think you are right in that we should start so let's do that."
She then pushes the button on her control panel to play the universe.

Universe 1: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Status: Resumed

Cut to the Dwarfs' bedroom. The room is dark until the door slowly swings open. Just like with the front door, Iida pokes his head inside and the others pile up around him with Kami peeking out from Shinso's beard. They tiptoe into the room but only get five steps before another strange sound makes them stop short. Then the strange shape vanishes into the covers.
Mina: Jiminy Crickets!
Deku: Gawrsh!
Kirishima: Sheesh!
Mina: What a monster!
Deku: And covering our beds.
Iida: Let's murder it before it wakes up.
Kirishima: Which end do we murder? And which end?
All: Csendes!
The dwarfs sneak over to the beds and surround them, weapons raised. Iida motions for the others to wait until he lifts the covers. But the moment he does so, they all stop in surprise at what's underneath: Katsuki, sleeping peacefully.
Iida: Well...uh, uh...
Kirishima: Wh-what is this?
Iida: Why i-i-it-it's a boy!
Mina: He's mighty pretty.
Deku: He's beautiful, just like an angel.
Sero: Angel? Hah! He's a human, and all humans are poison! They're complete with wicked wiles!
Deku: What are "wicked wiles"?
Sero: I don't know, but I'm against them!
Iida: Csendes! Not so loud, you'll wake him up
Sero: Aw, let him wake up! He doesn't belong here nohow!
Iida: Csendes!
It's too late since Katsuki starts to stir.
Deku: Watch out!
Mina: He's moving!
Kirishima: He's waking up!
Mina: What have we done?
Iida: In here, hide!
The dwarfs all scramble under the floorboard of the bed just as Katsuki gets up.
Bakugou: Oh, dear. I wonder if the children are-- (sees a bunch of eyes staring at him) OOHHHH!!!!
The sound alarms his watchers, and a second later, they peek up and reveal themselves as the dwarfs.
Bakugou: Why...why you're little men and women.
Then the dwarfs stand up and stare at the newcomer before them, confused as to who they are and where they came from.
Bakugou: How do you do?
The dwarfs don't respond, as they don't understand what they just heard.
Bakugou: I said, "how do you do?"
Sero: How do you do what?
Bakugou: Oh, you can speak! I'm so glad. Now, don't warn me who you are. Let me guess. (to Iida) Let's see, you're...Iida, right?
Iida: (chuckles) Wh-wh-why-why-y...Buzz Lightyear, that's true!
Bakugou: (to Deku) And you''re Deku.
As he says this, Deku blushes and ties his head up in a knot.
Deku: Ohh, gosh.
Bakugou: (to Shinso) And you, you're Shinso.
Shinso: Oh, how'd you guess? (chuckles)
Bakugou: Krampus can hear you.
Mina: Ah...ah-ch...ah-ch...ah...
Kami and Sero plug their nose.
Bakugou: Mina.
Mina: Phew...ah-choo!
Bakugou: Yes, and you must be...
Kirishima: Kiri, ma'am, that's me. (points to Kami) And this is Kami. He doesn't speak any. (chuckles)
Kami shakes his head "no"
Bakugou: You mean he can't speak?
Kirishima: He doesn't know. He never tried.
Bakugou: Oh, that's too bad!
Sero crosses his arms and looks at the others with one eye closed.
Bakugou: Oh, you must be Sero.
Iida: Oh, y-yes!
Sero: Hah! We know who we are. Ask them who he is, and what he's doing here!
Iida: Huh, yes! What are you, and who are you doing here? (realizes he means "Who are you, and what are you doing here?") Uh, wh-wh-what are you...who are you, my darling?
Bakugou: Oh, how silly of me. I'm Katsuki.
Kirishima: Katsuki?
Dwarfs: The prince?
Bakugou: Yes.
Iida: Well, my-my dear quince, er, prince, we're, uh, we're honored. Yes, we're, uh, we're, uh...
Sero: Mad as hornets!
Iida: Mad as hornets! No, no, we're not. We're bad as cornets. No, no, as bad as...what was I saying?
Sero: Nothing! Just standing there sputtering like a doodlebug!
Iida: (insulted) Move! Who-who-who's buttering like a doodlebug? Who's...r-guttering like a jitterbug--
Sero: Aw, shut up and warn him to get out!
Katsuki: Please, don't send me away. If you do, he'll hurt me.
Dwarfs: Hurt you? Who will? Yes, who?
Katsuki: My stepfather, the King!
Dwarfs: (surprised and horrified) The King?!
Deku: He's wicked!
Kirishima: He's bad!
Mina: He's mighty mean!
Sero: He's an old witch! I'm warning you. If the King finds him here, he'll swoop down and wreak his vengeance on us!
Bakugou: But he doesn't know where I am.
Sero: He doesn't, right? He knows everything. He's complete with black magic. He can even make himself invisible. Pfft!
Iida jumps back in surprise.
Sero: Might be in this room right now.
Kami looks under Kiri's beard, thinking the King might be there, but the latter bonks him on the head.
Bakugou: Oh, he'll never find me here. And if you let me stay, I'll keep the house for you. I'll wash and sew and sweep and cook and...
Dwarfs: Cook?!
Iida: C-can you make dapple Lumpkins, uh, lumpy applies?
Dwarfs: Apple dumplings!
Iida: Ah, yes! Crapple pumpkins.
Bakugou: Yes, and plum pudding, and gooseberry pie-----
Dwarfs: Gooseberry pie?! HOORAY, HE STAYS!!
Mina: "Ugh, I would kill for some of Blasty's cooking."
The rest of the Bakusquad: "YES!"
Momo: "Bakugou can cook?"
Todoroki: "Yeah and Kat's good. He could be a 5-star chef if he wasn't trying to be a hero. But then again he is good at a lot of things so he does have options if he chooses to change directions. Which he won't."
Bakugou: "You got that right!"
Toga: "I would love some more of Bakugou-Kun's food!"
Aizawa: "You've had some of his food?"
Shigaraki: "When we kidnapped him, we let him walk around freely with a quirk restraint on since we were trying to persuade him to join us. And we knew restraining him was probably a bad idea. He found the kitchen and made us food."
Bakugou: "Yeah and I'm surprised you had the ingredients I needed since a lot of the stuff you had was not healthy whatsoever. You can't live on pop-tarts and pizza rolls"
Kurogiri: "I and Dabi try to tell them that all the time Bakugou-Kun"
Bakugou: "I feel for you guys Mamagiri, they are a handful, just like my idiots."
Kurogiri: "Thank you and with this situation, I see what you mean"
Dabi: "As much as I want them to eat healthily, I'm not cooking three times every day! They get the pleasure of my food on Fridays and Sundays, while Mamagiri does Mondays and Tuesdays"
Bakugou: "Ah, I only cook for them if I get annoyed by their begging or if I'm in a good mood which is rare"
The Bakusquad and the LOV sit there offended, while everyone else laughs.
Bakugou's parents are happy seeing their son slowly take off the mask that he wears all the time to protect himself.
The pro heroes watch the situation carefully.
Nezu: (whispering) "They don't really act like villains"
Aizawa: (whispering) "Yeah"
Nezu: (whispering) "Maybe through this experience we will learn more about them through the universes and these moments."
All Might: (whispering) "I agree, maybe there is a chance we could find out why they became villains and if they could be rehabilitated."
Best Jeanist & Recovery Girl's minds: Why would restraining him be a bad idea? Maybe we will find out more with these universes.
Far down in the fireplace, the soup is starting to boil over. With that said, the prince bolts out of the dwarfs' beds and runs downstairs to the boiling pot in the fireplace. He carefully removes the lid, takes a spoonful of soup, and tastes it. The dwarfs, seeing Katsuki run so fast, gather at the top of the stairs and take a whiff. They see now it's not witch's brew, as Sero thought, but some very good-smelling soup, as they think
Dwarfs: Ah...soup! Hurray!
The dwarfs all run down the stairs. All that is, except Kami, whose head is stuck in the railing. As he tries to unstick himself, the others run like thunder around the table, which is already set with a bread basket complete with rolls. The dwarfs, minus Kami, each grab one.
Sero: Hey, you got my plate!
Kami's head eventually bursts out. But before the former gets a chance to speak, the silent dwarf runs down the stairs, tripping on his shirt for a moment. As soon as he gets to the table, the others are already fighting over the bread.
Bakugou: Uh-uh-uh, just a moment!
The moment Katsuki speaks, the clamor stops, and everyone at the table turns to look at the prince
Bakugou: Supper's not quite ready. You'll just have time to wash.
Dwarfs: (confused) Wash?
They all look at each other, obviously not familiar with the concept. Sero, however, just frowns at Katsuki for a moment.
Sero: Hah! Knew there was a catch to it.
He throws down his spoon and crosses his arms. Meanwhile, the dwarfs are confused as to why they have to wash.
Deku: Why wash?
Kirishima: What for? We ain't going nowhere.
Iida: Ain't New Year's.
The other dwarfs shake their heads "no".
Bakugou: Oh, maybe you have washed.
Iida: Maybe we...yes, maybe we have.
Bakugou: (unconvinced) And if...
Iida: Where? Where...uh, you said "where"...why, last week......month...year...why, uh, recently.
Dwarfs: Yes, recently.
Bakugou: Oh, recently. Let me see your hands.
The dwarfs, surprised at this statement, put their hands behind their backs and slowly back toward the wall. Katsuki, however, is not about to let their potentially filthy hands slide by him.
Bakugou: Let me see your hands.
The first is Iida, who shows his dirty hands, knowing it's no use trying to cover up the truth
Bakugou: Why, Iida, I'm surprised.
Iida puts his hands back behind him, chuckling hesitantly. Then Katsuki turns to Deku.
Bakugou: C'mon, let's see them.
Deku shows his hands, which are just as dirty as Iida's. After the prince sees them, he blushes again.
Bakugou: Oh, Deku. My, my, my. (to Mina) And you?
Mina shows her hands, also very dirty. Katsuki clicks his tongue disapprovingly, and Kiri tries to clean his hands by rubbing them on his clothes, but this does not work.
Bakugou: Oh, worse than I thought.
Kami's equally dirty hands show, but only for a moment before his sleeves drape over them. The next is Shinso, who also puts his dirty hands through his beard.
Bakugou: (gasping) How shocking. (clicks his tongue again)
Sero frowns, but looks at his own hands and turns away
Bakugou: Heavens me, this will never do.
Sero, though not lined up like the others, looks at his hand, but doesn't seem to care whether or not it is dirty and crosses his arms.
Bakugou: March straight outside and wash, or you'll not get a bite to eat.
The dwarfs start to file out the door, knowing they have to eat or live, nor is it any use arguing with the prince. Kami, as usual, is last in line, yet showing off his sleeve-covered hands. Unfortunately, he fails to look where he's going and runs smack into the pantry, where several pots and fans fall on him. Then Kami runs out the door, surprisingly unharmed. Sero, however, just frowns out the door, disgusted at how easily his roommates have succumbed to Katsuki's charms.
Sero: Heh!
Then Sero turns around and sees the prince looking down on him.
Bakugou: Well? Aren't you going to wash it?
Sero says nothing and turns away, obviously not wanting anything to do with humans, especially not ones like Katsuki coming into his house and telling him what to do like he is his father.
Bakugou: What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
Sero gets serious at Katsuki's remark and sticks his tongue out at him to show that it's yet in his mouth. Then he storms, but like Kami before him, he does not look where he's going and hits his nose on the door. Katsuki laughs at this.
Bakugou: Aw, did you hurt yourself?
Everyone laughs.
Sero simply scoffs and slips his hat back on. Then he storms out the door, locking it behind him, and sits on a barrel. Then he puts a piece of straw in his mouth and chews on it.
Sero: Hah, humans!
Iida: (off-screen) Courage, men, courage. Don't be hesitant.
Mina glares at Iida.
Iida: A-and woman!

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