Beauty and the Beast Part 2

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The screen shows Bakugou walking into a workshop that seems to be attached to a house.
Bakugou: "Hello Papa, hello T!"
Masaru: "Katsuki your here! How was town?"
Bakugou: "Fine I just grabbed a book from the library and I also saw Dabi."
Masaru: "Dabi? Did you tell that boy that he is more than welcome to stay with us?"
Bakugou: "Of course I did Papa. But he actually told me he found a place to stay, it helps other orphans like him."
Shigaraki: "Finally the bastard needs a place like that. I'm happy he finally found a place to stay." He says as he comes around the corner.
Everyone: "SHIGARAKI?!?"
Aizawa: "It seems like in this AU they are actually brothers instead of step-brothers."
Bakugou/Shiggy's mind: I've always wanted a brother...
Mitsuki & Masaru smile seeing how happy their son looks at the prospect of having a brother even if its in a different universe.
Bakugou: "Papa, Tenko, do you think I'm odd?"
Bakugou: "Tenko? Is that your real name?" He says turning towards Shigaraki.
Shigaraki: "Maybe, maybe not."
Masaru: "My son? Odd? Where did you get an idea like that?"
Shigaraki: "Such a stupid idea as well!"
Bakugou: "I don't know. People talk."
Masaru: "Its a small town Katsuki, not many people are open to change and wanting to accept things that are different. What about those kids you hang around? They seem to like you."
Bakugou: "They are a bunch of idiots that's why. I don't know how they have survived this long in this town. I swear if it wasn't for me, they would be hopeless. Besides, their parents don't want them hanging out with me. They give them a lot of chores to make sure they don't sneak off to see me."
Urakaka: "I wonder who Bakugou is talking about?"
Bakugou: "Isn't it obivous? Who else would want to hang out with me so desperately despite the town and their parents being against it to the point they have to be given chores to make sure they don't sneak off to see me. I also call them a bunch of idiots who wouldn't survive with out me. That's a pretty big hint there as well."
Class 1A-Bakusqaud: "The Bakusquad."
Bakusquad-Baku: "HEY!"
Masaru: "Don't worry my son, this invention is going to be the one to finally help us get out of this town." He says as he finishes it off. "Now lets see if it works."
He presses a button the machine and they watch as it comes to life.
Shigaraki: "It works!"
Masaru: "Finally! Lets load it onto the carriage and I'll be on my way to the fair."

Screeen cuts to after everything is loaded onto the carriage, ready for departure.
Masaru: "What would you like me to bring you back?" He asks as he gets onto his horse.
Shigaraki: "Some more clay for my sculptures."
Bakugou: "So you can make more hands? I would like the same flower you compare Mother's eyes too, a rose."
The LOV-Shiggy burst out laughing.
Dabi: "You sure do love your hands in every universe Handjob!"
Shigaraki grumbles.
Mitsuki: "That is so sweet Masaru."
Masaru: "But its the truth honey."
Masaru: "You ask for that every year."
Bakugou: "And every year, you bring it."
Masaru: "Then I shall bring you another. You have my word. Come on, Dynamight!"
Kirishima: "I think we all know who named the horse."
Everyone laughs.
Bakugou: "Shut up Shitty Hair!"
Bakugou: "I'll see you tomorrow!"
Masaru: "Tomorrow! With the rose and clay!"
Shigaraki: "Bye Father and good luck!"
The brothers watch as their father rides away, a certain feeling of dread making its way through both of them, sensing something bad will happen.

The screen then shows Katsuki's workbench which features a small model of his 'washing machine' prototype. Katsuki places the miniature barrel in position... fastens a rope to a leather strap... shaves chips off a block of soap... collects the soap chips in a small sack... and rushes out.
A young washer girl watches as Katsuki tosses clothes and some soap chips into an empty barrel and rolls it into the fountain. It bobs on its side. Tying the other end of the strap to the mule's harness, he sets him walking around the circular laverie.
Washer girl: "What are you doing?"
Bakugou: "The laundry."
With a smile, Katsuki points to the rotating barrel, which now resembles a very early Whirlpool washing machine. Katsuki takes his book and quietly begins to read. After a moment, he looks up to find the washer girl staring at him, speechless.
Bakugou: "Come!" Katsuki waves for the girl to join him.

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