That Pregnant Story (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)

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"Hmmm what to wear?"

"Ooh" I squeal to myself.

My eyes land on my favorite black cocktail dress. It does a little something for my whole body. It has a velvet red v-neck collar and waist line.

The dress ends mid thigh "perfect".

I clumsily skip to the bathroom, and realize my makeup bag is missing. I frantically search the whole bathroom for it. Then I realize Parker must have it.

"Park, Delia?" I call throughout the flat.

"What?" a startled voice yells back

That must be Parker waking up from her nap. Parker is beautiful, her long blonde perfectly curled hair and chocolate brown eyes not to mention her freckles . She's also perfectly straight with slight curves that compliment her being 5"9. God i wish I was her. Me on the other hand, I have dark brown hair with awkward kinks and waves, a short stubby nose, and I'm only about 5"6. The only thing that's the least bit pretty about me is my lime green eyes. I have large breasts and genuinely unwanted curves.

"Park, wheres my makeup bag?" I ask assuming she has is.

"Delia has it", wow I wasn't expecting that.

Delia gosh where do I start: Loud, gorgeous, obnoxious. She has orange hair, blue eyes, 5"8, stick thin with no curve at all, and only has freckles on her nose. I feel horrible for her though she has an abusive boyfriend. If Parker found out she'd go absolutely mad. I'm not allowed to say anything.

"Delia!" I shout louder than i needed to.

All of the sudden I hear whimpering and open the bathroom door to see Delia trying to cover up purple and blue marks all over her neck and cheek. I wipe away her tears and help her cover the marks up. I don't speak or ask, I already know. Derek.

"Come on babe let's get you pretty so we can have some fun" , I coax her.

I get my makeup bag open and put some silver eye liner on and red lip stainer.

"Come on girls let's have a kick ass time" , I yell we we all pile into the car.

We drive to downtown London to our usual club. We get out and quickly make our way to the entrance. We get here a little earlier than usual so not many people are here.

"I'm going to get a drink" , I tell Delia because Parkers already grinding on some strange man.

"well you are the birthday girl" Delia adds before I head to the bar.

I start with a couple shots and I'm straight hammered.

"it's my birthday and I deserveeeee a maaaan. I am a strongeee independent BLACK women!" I slur to the bartender who looks terrified.

I scream as I'm taken into a heated kiss. Wow whoever is kissing me is a good kisser. We finally disconnect lips. It's a curly haired boy that towers over me. He looks familiar but I'm so hazzey I have no idea who he was.

"Why don't we get out of here, beautiful?" His voice makes me feel like a 14 year old girl

"Okay" I giggle shyly

I don't know why but I grabbed his hand and led him to the exit. We went outside and when we finally reached his car we both eagerly got into the backseat.

I tugged on his shirt and hungrily pulled him into a passionate kiss. I started with his blazer, then his button up, shoes, trousers, until he was stripped to his underwear he was so toned I was jelous.

He climed ontop of me. Both of us breathing heavily. The humid breath filling up the confines of the SUV. Skin on skin.

"Hi I'm Harry", he chuckled

"Hi I'm Charlotte", I giggle in reply.

He looked so familiar.


"Ughhhhh", I grunt as I sit up, only to find I'm completely naked with a hangover in a car.

"Holy Shit!" I frantically scream pulling my dress over me.

"Morning, love" Harry says looking back at me from the drivers seat.

Wait. HARRY STYLES. My eyes widened as I felt myself slip away into a black out

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