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"She's beautiful!" Ratna commented while caressing the picture of her nephew's daughter. "She has Adhrit's eyes."

Adhrit and Mitali exchanged glances, their eyes gleaming with pride and joy. "Mausi, I know you resolved to never step in Sinha Mansion after the fallout with Dadi, but we would love it if you can come and meet Shri," said Adhrit.

The woman, fierce with anger, poured out her frustration to the Sinha matriarch for not being able to safeguard her sister from the harmful tactics of the matriarch's son. The exchange of vitriolic words that followed left a bitterness in their relationship. As a result, the younger woman vowed to never return to Sinha Mansion.

"Dadi doesn't even stay at Sinha Mansion any more..."

"I'm willing to do anything for Shri, who has become the apple of my eye. I'll visit on Sunday," she said, allowing her lips to stretch wider. She grinned, causing Adhrit's concerned frown to disappear, and he felt relieved after heaving a sigh.

"Can Shri meet Maa?" asked Adhrit, with earnest hope glistening in his eyes as he peered through the glass partition at his mother, who stared out of the window with a blankness that left a void in his own heart.

Ratna's smile faltered. "Maybe once she is a bit older. S-She can have some violent tendencies, and I would hate for them to traumatize the little one. We will make it happen, Adhrit."

Mitali held Adhrit's tense biceps with her fingers and gave him an assuring smile. She was aware of the significance of the meeting between the grandmother and granddaughter for the troubled son and delighted father.

The corners of Ratna's lips twitched at Mitali's silent expression of support. Seeing light at the end of the tunnel after years of uncertainty, she was thrilled for her nephew and his newfound family.


Shri Pathak Sinha's discharge from the NICU five days ago brought a sense of calm to the chaotic environment of Sinha Mansion. A beautiful reality was born from anxiety, desperation, and dreams.

Mitali watched their daughter, who had gone into a deep slumber following their combined efforts. As she watched her angel's chest rise and fall and her facial expressions in between, a smile appeared on her lips.

"I'm glad Di found her second chance at love. I hope he's an improvement from the jerk I used to call my brother-in-law. She's so fond of his daughter," said Adhrit in a hoarse whisper as he leaned towards Mitali.

"Me too. Right after the miscarriage, she was forced to navigate a demanding divorce process. I cannot even begin to fathom the impact that had on her psyche! The girl would help her heal," she said, and Adhrit nodded in affirmation.

They fell silent, and the rumbling in her heart echoed in her ears. She wished to share her thoughts with him, but the disarray of her abrupt delivery and the concern of seeing Shri in the NICU had hindered her from vocalizing her worries. But it was time, she realized.

"You know, I was terrified during the labor. Even after years of marriage, few men stay by their partners' side during labor. But you did. Your mere presence gave me so much courage," she said, surprising Adhrit.

He grinned from ear to ear and gently squeezed her fingers. "Of course. Missing that surreal experience was not an option!"

His heartfelt words made her smile widen, and she ran her thumb over his clasp on her palm. "That moment, I realized I needed you in my life. During these few days, I came to the realization that I need something more," she said.

She couldn't maintain her smile as her guilt took over. She made a resolution to let go of her burdens before experiencing the joys of parenthood and being with the man who gave her hope.

"Are you not happy with me? Do you dislike our arrangement?" he asked. His eyebrows arched, and the bridge of his nose creased.

"No, I am ecstatic around you, Adhrit. As happy as I was when my parents were alive."

Tears blurred her eyes, yet a jubilant glimmer still shone through. "You put my comfort first and fulfilled all my wishes, even if it meant sacrificing your own. I apologize for using that concern to my advantage. When Purvi apologized to me, I realized there were many apologies I owed."

Adhrit expressed his disagreement by shaking his head and tightened his grip on her trembling fingers. "I forced you to sleep with me, not bothering about how uncomfortable that must have made you and taunted you when you exercised your choice. It was my choice for you to have another child, regardless of the consequences for you. I'm sorry for pressuring you into doing things, Adhrit." She expressed her regret, resting her head on his shoulder, freeing herself from her restraints and crying.

"You believe that Adhrit Sinha would comply with anyone off the street? Mitali, I did everything you asked because I loved you, and my love for you endures."

He paused as he let out a sigh. "Yes, it was a struggle for me to do. I almost hated you for that," he said with a wry chuckle, as he locked her in his embrace and forced her to look into his eyes.

"But the keyword is 'almost'. No matter what, I couldn't make myself hate you. You may have lost your belief in love, but I thought I had lost mine until I witnessed you break down." The feelings of helplessness, concern, torment, and angst he experienced taught him that love exists, and he knew that Mitali was the love of his life. He kissed her forehead, igniting a mixture of emotions in her.

"My belief in you is so strong that I trust you with everything, even though I don't believe in love. It's possible that love isn't as awful as I perceive it to be. It's possible that it's worth a shot after all."

She giggled through her tears and then kissed him with intensity. At first, her bold gesture shocked her, but then he returned the kiss and made it even more intense. When he reciprocated, she smiled against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

The newborn's cry stopped the situation from escalating, forcing them to move to opposite sides of the cradle with worry etched on their faces.

"I always wanted to do that though!" giggled Mitali as she blushed from the aftereffects of the kiss, making him smirk at her revelation.

"No wonder it appeared so amateurish!" he said.

He pondered about the reason behind their daughter's tears, while also considering if it was due to being ignored. Chuckling, he thought that Adhrit Sinha's daughter wouldn't be any different.

"Right! Shri needs a diaper change, and guess who is doing that? You!" she said, picking up the diaper pack behind her and hurling it towards him, right onto his face, for mocking her kissing skills.

"But you did not even let me play with the baby so far, and I have no training or experience!"

"Mr. Sinha, practice makes a man perfect! It seems you require training and practice in numerous areas, including diaper changing! Like kissing," she teased back, smirking at him, patting the child so that she stopped moving while Adhrit attempted to remove the soiled diaper.

"Oh, Mrs. Sinha? You can trust I will exhibit my expertise soon and leave you in awe of my numerous talents! Just wait and watch!" he said.

After winking at him, she staged a walkout, leaving him to care for his daughter alone, or so he thought, which made him groan.

He was torn between entertaining Shri and changing the diaper upon hearing her voice behind him.

"If you need help, you only need to ask! I'll take the payment from you in a way that I think is suitable, and I'll also get my revenge. Trust me, Sinha, I am going to practice till I get perfect!" she said, joining him with a wink.

"It would be my pleasure!"

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