How it began...

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Hey hows it going bros? So this week hasnt been my week.. LOL but going on Wattpad makes me feel better just becuase of you <33 Yeah I said it... I know lammeeeee.



Sky's P.O.V. (How it started)

Hi! My name is Skylar but you can call me Sky... Im a TOTAL nerd, I mean everybody asks me for answers and everything and tells me to do their homework! My best friend is Rose, shes DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! She has long brown silky hair and sky blue eyes and soft freckles around her nose. And rosy lips that prefectly cruve into a smile. Anyway, enough with her... life has been tough for me because LOUIS TOMLINSON IS MY BROTHER!!! And I'm crushing on HARRY STYLES! I know that he has told me not to crush on Harry but FUCK it! Fuck it all!!! I LOVE HIM- NO ADORE HIM!! The problem is that Harry might be crushing on my "soul sister" Rose... :( "SKY SNAP OUT OF IT!" Rose yells in my face, Lord and the drama begins, "Ive been talking to you but no response came out your mouth boo.. Are you mad at me?" she frowns making her eyes dull, "Why would I be mad at the girl who my crush likes?!?!" I exclaim loudly in my room. She sighs then smiles, "Boo, I don't like him,and I don't plan on dating him. So there is NO reason to hate... And if he does like me... they will wear off onto you then!" I giggle to her remark. Maybe shes right, maybe Harry might like me then ill have a chance with him. "Of course he will like you!" I menatlly face palm myself for talking out my thoughts. "I'm still here you know, I didn't plan to have a sleepover at your house just to satre at you.." Rose sighs, DARN if only she'll stop reading my mind. "Hey, don't pout, smile and think this... Umm, Louis coming for spring break!" I exclaim almost flying off my seat. She holds her squeals and blushes, yeah blush MOFO BLUSSSHHHH! Yeah, I know you like my older brother Lou. HES MINE! "WE CAN GO SURFING!!" she says. I look at her, Rose wearing a tank top and short short shorts. BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT FOR LOU! I grab my phone out of my hoodie and text to Harry

To Harry

Guess who likes Lou...... ROSE DOES <33 They make a cute couple dont they Harry?

From: Sky

'Send' Aww yeahh, now Harry can get jelly. HAHAHA, or MUHAHAHAHAHA, FUCK THIS I LOVE LAUGHING. I glance at phone to see a new text.

To Sky


From Lou

Oh Shit. I glance over to smiling Rose, "Hey whats up with the text? You look like you seen a ghost!" My palms gets sweaty, "Um, Im being curious, what if Louis knew you liked him?.." She puts on a poker face and face palms herself she sighs and answers, "I dont know, Happy? Because he knows I exist.... Mad because I'm too scared he will reject me if i ask him out.. Wait- boys are the one who ask the girls out..." I laugh uncontrollably, Rose then joins in and falls off the bed clutching herself from her somtach from hurting like hell. "Stop stop STOP! Your mum says to get well dressed because were going to eat with special guests.." Rose says still clutching herself. I giggle and jump off the bed and strangle her in a bear hug, i nod 'okay' , "you are gonna my clothes okay? And dont whine or ILL SLAP YOU MOTHERFUCCCKKKKER- Ow" I say rubbing my head, Rose hits my head with a book and says, "WATCH YOUR TONE AND NO MORE CURSING!" Oh, I almost forgot, she hates me saying them bad words but they are so irresistible! Haha, get it? no, ok then more fun for me then!


Who are the guests, well i think they are One Direction it has to beee!! WELLLLL WRONG! its sad and i think i might need tissues to write the next chapter


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