The Arrival

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Summer +Wattpad = Best Summer EVER! Anyway, I'm going to South Yorkshire, England in a few days so I might not update. I don't even know where in South Yorkshire I'm heading to but, it's for family. (: xx 



June 1, 2013 3:25 am, that's the time read on my phone. Turning off my phone I face to the window of the airplane. Yes airplane, did I think of making an escape? Yes. Did I do it? No. Was I close to? Yes. Where am I heading to? Sacramento, California. I turn to my right to face Rose, she looks at me questioningly, "Did you hear or see anything last night?" Hoping that she saw the figure and I wasn't crazy, "No," Shit. "But I heard a male voice say something in Latin." Yes! Wait- Latin? He sounded demonic to me bro. "What did you hear, Rose?" She takes a deep breath and blurts," Well, he said 'Ipse adevntous praeparare which means 'He's coming, be prepared'" I gasp, who's coming? Was that person my guardian angel? "Who's coming Rose?" She looks at me worriedly," I don't know Sky, but I guess you should take the advice, be prepared.." How do I prepare if I don't know what's coming? 'Some things are better untold than to be hurt by the truth...' Louis' voice whispers in my mind, well that's just fantastic. Thanks for the advice Louis! I nod at Rose, wanting to hear more,"... And the way he said it was just.... Unrealistic. Like he died a hundred years ago and comes back." What if it was that? What if Rose just solved the problem, but the thing is who could he be? He didn't mention his name at all. Rose looks at my left hand and grabs it,"What's this?" She stares at the bracelet," A thing my mom gave me..." She looks at the writing engraved, " Skylar, filius diaboli...... Skylar, the Devil's child" I jerk back my hand away from Rose, did she just call me the Devil's child? Did she translate that? "Sky, I think your mom did this on purpose," she says quietly. She couldn't have... No she didn't. MY MOTHER DIDN'T DO THIS ON PURPOSE! Did she? Desperately, I stare at Rose for more, "Does Louis, Lottie or even the twins have one like this?" I nod my head 'yes' she looks at me bewilder, "WHO?!?!" Well, Louis, Lottie and the twins got one. "All of them," I say quickly. Rose stares at me wide eyed, she covers her mouth and almost screams. She quickly like in a swift motion grab her phone and sticks her earphones in her ears and closes her eyes. I guess she needs her time alone, why me? Why did I have to get stuck with this? Louis is having the time of his life while I am here on a fucking airplane flying to California to meet a couple I'm sold to with Rose. Does her parents even agree to this shit? Did they want me and Rose to go away? I stare at my bracelet, anger once again boils through my veins, I rip off the bracelet and throw it in my mini bag. Fuck you curse! I get up and walk to the restroom, it's empty. Merry Fucking Christmas to me, I thought as I went inside. I locked the door and look at my self. I see a girl, an eighteen year old, fair skin looks drowsy, tired sleepy, frustrated. The room feels suddenly cold, making my skin crawl with fear. I look at the door as another tall figure appears, two of them, they transform into humans. I recognize the one I saw last night, and the other one, I see is attractive, tall, beautiful brown hair and perfect eyes with tan skin, kissable lips and shining teeth. I hear him laugh, "Attractive huh?" He says in a hypnotic voice that makes me melt. I turn a shade of red. He leans in to me, his minty breath hitting my face. His eyes staring into mine, almost looking into my soul, he smashes is lips to mine. Making me weak in the knees, making me feel numb. He deepens the kiss while i do nothing about it, the way he makes me feel makes me want to scream. Basically taking the life from my body. I shut my eyes tightly wishing for it to end.

Running. That's what I'm doing, or what I feel like doing. The air is thick, I can bearly breath here. It's freezing, making me shiver and making my skin crawl. A thousand images running through my mind making me feel overwhelmed. The constant reminder of blood, gore and horror. Making me want to rip off my hair and scream. I fall to my knees, letting out my scream, my scream of hurt and madness.What is happening to me? "Calm down," the 'teen' boy says. "Drago." he simply says, so that's his name? Huh... "Drago..." I let the name roll of my tongue. The other figure comes close to me, "Rulse one my sweet angel, never say a demon's name" Shit. "Lucifer is mine.." Don't FUCKING say Lucifer ok?!? "Too bad, you said it in your mind." Drago says lifting his arms in the air like it's no big deal. "Keep out of my mind," I say as I shoot daggers at him with my eyes. His blue eyes to black as comes up to me and clenchs my jaw in his bare hands. "Don't fucking mess with me." I try to wiggle out of his deathly grasp. He lets go and mumbles, 'weak' under his breath. Anger boils into my veins as I make fists of my hands, "What the hell do you fucking want?" venom slips out of my mouth like music to their ears as they smile. "You." they say in unison, I back away from them. Me? Why me? Tears well up in my eyes as I undo my fists. "Don't cry, never show weakness to others.." Louis' voice once again gives advice. "Why would you want ME?" I ask as they never keep their smile off their face. "Why should we say?" Drago mocks my tone, "First of all, I don't sound like that. Second, because I asked you."Drago smirks as Lucifer cups my face in his large hands. "You know that I'm still kissing you in reality." He says as he kiss my lips bringing me back into the bathroom. I look around to find Lucifer and Drago. How can they do that?!? If that wasn't reality then what was it? Flash backs, what no it can't be... I didn't see anything I remember. Are you sure. Lucifer's hushy voice says in my mind. I walk out the bathroom without gaining attention.. like always. I sit next to Rose to see she is sleeping, I grab my phone to check the time.. 5:26 am. This is going to take a long damn time.

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