Welcome To California!

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Well enjoy..


 My palms are sweating as we are landing, I feel like vomiting. But you didn't huh. Drago voice says. FUCK! I am starting now to take a disliking on Drago. This seems more of a sick joke or I am turning mad. I feel like I'm forgeting something. Someone... not Rose. I don't know... Maybe a family member? Phone? No.... Underwear maybe Skylar... Well someone doesn't understand privacy... Drago. Just saying. Wait- is it your underwear?!?! I obviously would not forget that.... I collect my bags and follow right behind Rose. Once we reach the car and all buckled in, they speed down the road as fast as they can. After thirty- seven minutes of driving dangerously on the road one of the men annouced, "Give us at least forty more minutes to get there ladies." We nod as he smiled, wow. That's the first time he smiled.. At us! Pretty sure he doesnt like you. Fuck you Drago! I know you want to hah. Wink. Wierd but cheeky. After twenty minutes of more drving Rose drifted off to slumber as I try to keep my eyelids open.  The driveer beeps his horn to keep me awake. The three men keep thier attention away from me. Drago sits next me and smiles, "Sup," I frown at him and whisper, "What are you doing here?!?!?" he quietly responds, "Chilling"I ball my hands into fists adn swing at him. He catches my swing and twist my arm as I whince and moan in pain. "You alright back there?" another man says in the front. I manage to say, "Yes." but in a whisper. Drago forces me to look at him, he takes a sneaky look at my lips then connects them together. My head becomes dizzy as i have the ugre to puke. I gag into the kiss as he tries to slide his tongue in. After did, my urge to vomit has grown to 10% to 100%. 

I stare at the two kids playing around and running, one of them is me. The short little one, beaming with brightness and happiness. The other one, is a boy around my age slightly taller with raven black hair and honey like eyes. As I focus more, he has the most beautiful true smile I have seen my my short life. "You don't know him don't you?" Drago voice says nearly above a whisper. I turn my attention away from the small child to Drago, his eyes are puffy as he has been crying. But, he wasn't crying when he kissed me. "I don't, who is he?" I question as he sighs as replies, "You really forgot?!?!" his voice raises on each word he says coming out of his perfect pink lips. "Perfect huh?" he smiles a little to me. Why does this feel so normal? Why does it seem like I want him? I shouldn't want him at all, never! "Why are you doing this?" I say above a whisper, he looks at me ready to cry, "I don't know, why should you even care?" he spits at me woith venom in his voice. I get anger at him, I only asked him one damn question... WHY YELL AT ME BITCH?!? "I ONLY ASKED YOU ONE FUCKING QUESTION! AND YOU WANNA KNOW WHY I ASKED BECAUSE I FUCKING CARE!" I yell in his face, his blue eyes darken as he comes closer to me cupping my cheeks with force to not move away. I struggle to be free but with each attempt he adds more force. "You belong to us Skylar understand that..." he says with anger licking his voice. I open my mouth to say something but it doesn't work. My tongue feels numb- my whole body feels numb. I can't move, the air feels heavy, I can't breath well, the air between me and Drago is intoxicing. Like a death threat. Only it is coming true when Drago takes his claws out cuts my arms harder and harder each time I whince in pain. Next was my back as he broke my shirt I was wearing and tearing off my bra with his deathly claws. As if insticnt, I cover my boobs before Drago even peeks. This only makes more angry as he tears my arms away as his sparkling blue eyes fill with lust as he smashes his lips to mine. Is this how is gonna go? Lose my virginity to a fucking demon. I want it though, wait I do? Am i crazy finally filling myslef up with madness? Without my mother to guard me with her sweet loving words to comfort me and not worry. Yes, those sweet, loving, caring mother-like words and telling me this won't hurt as much as I think I know it would. I struggle more as he deepens the kiss on his own controling me. Tearing my jeans up with those blacks claws I hate with every cell left in my brain that hasn't been under his spell of lust. Sliently whimpering as he takes off his clothes without any hesiate of any kind. And just like that he wants it. Sliently crying letting my salty tears run down my red cheeks down to my neck as he comes closer and closer to me. Our bodies coming together as he smirks and wipes my tears just like that with one quick swift movement. And with risky movement Drago made, Lucifer appears behind Drago angry in the eyes as he pulls Drago up away from me and smashes him against the wall and let him fall as Drago moaned in pain. "I told you to wait you pathetic excuse of a demon!" He yelled with strong venom to kill you in his words. With that much to see I fainted and woke up to see Rose shaking me to wake up. "Yes?" I ask like nothing ever happened. "We are here Sky, we have for ten minutes!" she says with full concern in her voice. I nod as I get out and get my things. Should I escape? But where would I go? I have nothing here in California. We both walk to the door step of the house hand in hand and ring the doorbell. The door opens... 

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