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The footsteps followed me the very next second. It was not a paved road. Trees were aligned on the sides. In short, the typical street from the horror movies. The footsteps never stopped , neither did I. I quickened my pace but still I could hear the following footsteps. With each step I took, I reminded myself not to turn around. Towards midway or so, I started hearing whispers along with the steps. I could not make out the words but it seems like they were whispering to someone– to me. I started walking a bit more faster, almost a run, my mind chanting the three words like a mantra "Don't look around". The whispering got louder and louder. The footsteps seemed much closer than before. My palms were sweating. Every single nerve inside of me was shaking with fear.
About a hundred feet or so away from the end, the whispering was awfully loud. It seemed like a group of a thousand people saying the same thing, and for the first time l could make out some words – " look around, look around–we know you want to". If I was feeling scared before, it is nothing compared to what I'm feeling now. I keep telling myself that I'm almost there, just a few more steps to go. When I almost reached the end, I heard the words that made me stop dead in my tracks – "We know you want to turn around and look at us Sam, so why don't you do it ?". The voice was no louder than a whisper but I heard every single word of it. How does it know my name? I stood rooted to the spot. I wanted to move but I could not. 
 I can see the street joining with the pavement but I just couldn't move my feet. Suddenly a hand closed on my shoulder. I turned around and couldn't believe what I saw. I wanted to scream but I couldn't find my voice. Nails clawed on my sweating skin and something hard hit my head. That's the last thing that I remember before I became one of them.

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