CHAP 29: Got you

29 3 13

2 years later

Jungkook's POV:

"Jungkook, C'mon wake up man, we will be late for college" Jimin shouted for the 5th time.

"I don't want to go, you can go ahead." I said switching the sides without wanting to get up.

"Fine then, I'll ask grandmaa to come get you up."

"No no please don't call her. She pinched my ear two days ago and it still hurts." I said sitting on the bed rubbing my right ear.

Jimin chuckles watching me scared from his grandmaa. For the past two years, I've been staying with Jimin and his grandmother. Their home has become my sanctuary, a place where I feel truly at ease and welcome. 

From the very beginning, they embraced me as one of their own, never letting me feel like an outsider. They've created such a warm and loving environment that even though I miss my parents, I never feel alone or homesick. Jimin and his grandmother's kindness and care have filled the void, making me feel like I'm part of their family.

As I adjust to this new chapter of my life, I'm incredibly grateful to have Jimin by my side. We're embarking on our college journey together, and it brings me immense comfort and joy to know that we're facing this exciting and sometimes daunting experience together. Jimin's presence is a constant source of support and reassurance, making me feel even more confident and enthusiastic about what lies ahead.

In essence, living with Jimin and his grandmother has been a transformative experience. Their love and support have helped me heal from the initial separation from my parents and have given me a new sense of belonging and family. As we step into the future together, I couldn't be more thankful for their unwavering presence in my life.

My phone beeps a notification, I opened it to check from who is it and I remembered I have a date with a chick in my college. A sly grin spread across my face. I loved the thrill of these casual encounters, the anticipation of the unknown, the fleeting intimacy without the burden of emotional attachment.

"Oh, I almost forgot that I have a date with a hot chick. Thankyou Jimin-shi for waking me up. I'll buy you anything you want." I said flashing my smile while quickly pad downs to the bathroom.

"What? Another date?" Jimin shouted being dumbfounded.

"You're going to college just for a date?" Jimin said further.

I shrugged nonchalantly, my grin never fading. "Why not? She's hot, and it's not like I have anything better to do."

Jimin shook his head, a mix of amusement and disapproval in his eyes. "You're something else, man. You're seriously just gonna keep doing this? Going out with girls, having your fun, and then leaving them like it's nothing?"

I leaned back against the bathroom door, a carefree attitude oozing from my posture. "Yeah, I am. Look, I don't do serious. It's easier this way. No strings, no drama, no getting hurt. I enjoy it."

Jimin shook his head in denial and we both got ready for college.

After sometime we both head to the college in my bike. Yeah, lately I'm spending too much money on these kinda stuffs. People calls me with various names but that's the least I care about now. I do what makes me feel happy.

I parked my bike at the same spot I used to and nobody dares to park theirs on my spot.

Yeahh, that's my babygurl.

Girls started gasping as soon as they saw both of us entering the college corridor, it was normal for us and we were used to this kind of attention or you can say 'spotlight of the college'.

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