⁕⁎*⁎⁕⁂CHAPTER 3⁂⁕⁎*⁎⁕

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"Thought you didn't have any of this potion left. Turns out you still do." Stephanie said out of disbelief, taking the potion. "I didn't. I just made these recently. There are a few more in the bag, along with other potions, a transfiguration potion, a sleep potion, and an invisibility potion. I suggest you use it wisely. It's not easy to get all these ingredients." Vicky said while handing her a sling bag. "One more thing before you leave. How did you get your wand back?"

"I have my ways and they should remain a secret," Stephanie smirks immediately leaving Vicky's room by jumping off her balcony. Vicky rolls her eyes. She turns to face Cyrus. "Cyrus. Call that son of Gaston. I still have one more errand to run." Cyrus leaves the room- using the door.


Back in the forest where Clara's class is being held, everyone is packed and ready to return to the academy. "I know you all know this, still, stay close when you're all flying on your dragons. The Huntsman family members will remain with the same people, Joy, Hawk, and Travis, meanwhile, I ride with my daughter, Rose. Are we all clear about that?" Clara said. Most nodded while others replied "Yes Ms. Clara" Everyone is now starting to mount their dragons as their dragons prep themselves to fly.


Students from the Hero's course just arrived at Regal Academy. Clara decided to let them all rest from the fun they had. Students are now all talking to their groups, friends, and friend groups, and having fun while relaxing at their favourite hang-out area. Rose and her team decide to hang out somewhere else, besides their favourite hang-out spot. The five are about to walk past the portal but saw something coming out of the portal. They hide and sneak into the bushes to get a closer look at that something, or possibly, someone. What they are all seeing is something weird, yet, familiar. Turns out to be someone. Travis looks at the person, then looks at Rose, then at the person again. "Is it just me, or does he look like Rose? Except, it's a guy who is about Hawk's sister's age." Having to say that. The person immediately uses their magic to reveal the person behind the noise. Travis yelped as he gets dragged out of the bush. "Who are you?" They say in a firm and stern tone. The rest of the team hiding gets out and protectively gets in front of Travis. "We should be the ones to ask you that question. Now tell us, who are you?" Astoria says in a serious tone. The person looks at the four friends and notices something that made him smile widely on the inside. He keeps his wand and says "I'm Alexander. I wish for my family name to be unknown until I am ready to reveal it." The five are confused but understood that it is his wish to let his family name be unknown.

"Why are you here though, Alexander?" Joy asks while helping Travis up. "I was called by Headmistress Cinderella to help with her lesson tomorrow," Alexander says with a soft smile on his face. "Really?" Travis asks sarcastically. Alexander nods. He looks at his watch and says "I apologize for giving you the fright and the suspicions. Now, I need to take my leave before I miss my meeting with your headmistress. Hopefully, we could all become close during class tomorrow."

Silence falls upon the five as Alexander leaves them. They were stunned and confused.


In the Enchanted Forest, Vicky rapidly waits for her expected guests to arrive while tapping her foot on the ground. "It has been 30 minutes, what is taking them-" Vicky gets cut off by Stephanie's and Ruby's sudden appearance. "Sorry, we took so long. This rat took forever to get ready." Stephanie complains. "Excuse me!? I was making myself look good in case we run into Hawk." Ruby says in return. Both Vicky and Stephanie roll their eyes. "Where's the kid?" Stephanie asks. "The "kid" is still not here as expected since this other backup would take a very long while to drag," Vicky says.


A few minutes have passed, and Cyrus and the backup, have finally arrived. "Finally, what took so long?" Stephanie questions the "kid". "Gaston's grandson won't stop looking at himself in the mirror and keeps bumping into trees. More than I can count when it comes to me bumping into things," Cyrus complains. "Told you that he'd be harder drag," Vicky whispers into Stephanie's ear. "Your two "backups" are way too similar," Stephanie whispers back. As Gaston's grandson places his mirror in his bag, he looks around to find nothing, or in actuality, no one, at least for him. "Where's the girl that you promised?" He asks Cyrus. "She's actually at the academy but don't you worry, you'll be able to see her soon enough," Vicky says, reassuring Gaston's grandson. "Promise?" "Well, I can't say that I promise unless you promise us to help with our plans in retrieving the Snow Globe" Gaston's grandson hums then nod, "Promise." Vicky grins and says "Good. Now, I too promise to let you see the girl."




(DISCONTINUED) Regal Academy: New Generation of Fairy Tale GuardiansWhere stories live. Discover now