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"No ..."

I shook my head a little.

"I don't want to join you. After all this ... I just want to take a break from all that."

I didn't want to get involved with any gang for a while now. The stuff with Tenjiku ... I needed a break after that. Besides things were much less fun without my brothers. If I'll get into another gang then only with them. And that won't be possible for a while. I began to walk away when Mikey's voice stopped me.

"I accept your decision ... if you change your mind, let me know. You're always welcomed to join."

I nod my head. I didn't plan on joining him but universe has a way of f*cking up all your plans. 

I got home and found Kit-Kat and Rocky in the middle of very intensive stare down. I shot a glare at them, for a second they stopped staring at each other and focused on me.

"If you two want to kill each other do so when I'm not here so I can't be blamed."

Both with most innocent looks. But no matter how cute they were I didn't backed down. I agreed to watch over Mochi's dog until his release, plus I had to deal with Kit-kat. It wasn't best combination. But at least they haven't straight murdered each other. I never had an pet before and suddenly I'm taking care of dog, cat and tank of tropical fishes. Like I had an idea of what to do with them. At least fishes didn't look at each other like they thought about where to bury a corpse ... this is going to be interesting few months.

half a year later

It was rather chaotic half a year. But by the time Ran and Rin were getting released I could proudly said I haven't lost a single a fish. And Kit-Kat did try to get them. In general Kit-kat wasn't too happy with this violation of her peace. First few weeks she and Rocky couldn't be in the same room without hissing, barking and ugly glares. But then they got together rather well. I just wasn't sure if it was for better. 

"Don't even think about it."

I gazed at Kit-kat's paw stretched towards my plate of pizza. She met my eyes and her paw stayed at the same spot inches away from getting the pizza off table. Rocky however didn't share her stone resolve. Seeing that they were spotted he backed from the table with little apologetic whine. Kit-kat seated on his back finally retreated as she hopped down and left. 

My life become much more difficult after these two realized that they can steal a lot more food if cooperating. At least they haven't figured out how to open a fridge yet. And given that Rocky is leaving soon hopefully they never will. Said dog made his way to me, looking sorry. Nothing like his cat companion. I smiled and scratched him behind ears. 


I laughed as he demanded more cuddles. Well who was I to turn down these puppy eyes. I crunch down and begin petting him with both hands. He relished in the touch for a little before pulling away, nudging at the scratch on my arm worriedly. 

"Don't worry about it. The other guys ended much worse."

He moved from my hand and licked my face instead. I didn't expect it and fell backward.

"Hey! We talked about that!"

I laughed before gently pushing him off me. I needed to get going. Last time my brothers were released I wasn't there. This time I'll be there to hug them, and probably slap them too just for good measure. If they pull this shit again ... I got up from floor and looked around the house making sure everything was alright. Then grabbing the last slice of pizza I walked out of the door. 

Haitani's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now