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Sanzu was standing at my doorway. This was strange for two reasons. First one ... What the hell was my ex doing here. Second of all ... how did he even knew where this house is?! The house we were currently in was far from main part of Tokyo. Now I wouldn't mind my ex at the doorway of our house. That was actually pretty common occurrence, much to my dismay, the thing that bothered my was that I had no idea why he's here. I did not want him here.

"What are you doing here?"

"... visiting?"

I blinked a few times as I tried to process this information. What. The. Fuck? 

"Well it was nice to see you. Thanks for the visit and see you at work."

I was about to shut the door to his face when he blocked them with his foot and pushed them over. Lovely, I'm not getting rid of hi- wait I should have stun gun somewhere around or maybe baton ... I definitely have my gun but that ... Mikey would be mad if I shout Haru. Tho a little bullet in the leg never hurt anyone-

"Wait (y/n)"

Thinking about it I could just knock him out without a weapon, one good hit and- pushing that thought aside I tried to play it nice. Maybe he'll leave soon? Or will have some normal reason to be here ... in a middle of a night ... looking like he wants to get high but run out of anything to get high on. Yeah ... sweet.

"Can I come in?"

For a second I considered saying no and trying to shut the down in his face again. But I knew how little chance of success that had. And while smashing his leg with the hard door sounded fun I didn't really want him to be mad at me for the whole following month.


Technically I had no problem inviting him in. Despite our relationship being over for a while now we still were friends, just without benefits. The problem was ... Haru still wanted the benefits from time to time. The best drug to get high on as he called it. To be honest I sometimes wanted it as well. Wanted to fall into his arms, get high, drink till I can't walk straight and get lost in a pleasure I knew he can give him. But it wasn't good. It wasn't good for me and it wasn't good for him. 

On nights like this, when he appeared on my doorstep with this kind of look I always know what he wants. And sometimes I let him have it, sometimes I'm just as desperate. But not tonight. Tonight I'd rather stay sober. 

"So what brings you here?"

I knew and he knew I know. But I wanted to see what he'll say. If he'll try to deny it. 

"I ... wanted to see you?"

"What for?"

Before he answered screams muffed by walls echoed trough hall. I tsk-ed, it was getting annoying we need better walls. Or Rin needs to hold back a bit breaking these guys bones. Sanzu behind me jumped form surprise.

"What was that?!"

"Hm? Oh remember that guy form last week you needed information form?"

Sanzu slowly nodded. Won't you look at that! High 90 % of time and still remembers more than my dumb brother! I should get him a candy.

"Rindo's still not done with him. But don't worry I'm giving it maximally 3 more days until we'll know everything you needed."

Another scream this time more pained and desperate echoed trough hall. I didn't really mind it but I assume better sound isolation could be good idea for future. Thank god there are no neighbors. They surely would have questions as to why are there screams heard so often. And as always I'd have to deal with it. Well ... maybe Ran would be capable but I'd rather not risk it. I don't want to get arrested just because someone didn't invest in sound isolation and because my brother happened to be Bonten's personal torturer. Can't  these b*tches  spill their secrets faster or at least scream less? 

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