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Hands loll in position clicking in place dramatically.
Slow rolling days bump my tired eyes awake.
Fingers tapping my table with a bumble bee beat.
Weak veins pulse as autumn mornings, crisp.

Lies wait ahead to make our lives exciting.
A few hits of celestial rays gets my legs
Making moves. Burning the ground
Quench this fire in my mouth.

Take anything you want from me.
I'd burn it sooner or later.
You came on strong, but I held on tight.
Our sweat crackles in neon lights

Just for the night, I'll be whatever
You want. These feet tend to move in
Opposite directions, but you're leading.

Promise me New York.
We'll make plans for Berlin.
Quell your guilt; my life
Expectations were never high.
Quiet, so not to wake your mom

Quiet, so not to wake your mom

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