2 ~ Popular

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Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

Los Angeles, California

11:35 AM

Being one of the most popular boys in your school is much harder than it looks.

With all of these super hot girls surrounding you all the time, it gets tough.

Sure, you can have a harder life than mine, but could you even imagine all the stress that is on me? every girl expects me to say hi to them, even though I'm way too good for them. I try to get to class on time, but then a girl comes up to me and wants to make out, and I can't say no.

Especially when hot girls want to make out, I'll try to take them to the janiors closet, but they'll say something like "it's too soon" or "I have to get to class." Like, okay? I never wanted you anyway.

I think more people need to realize that they need to accept the fact that either you're getting a hookup with me or nothing at all. I don't date someone unless they're actually worth time and effort, which is very few people. I've tried dating, and it just doesn't work out because they'll get mad when I want to have a side piece or kiss other girls for fun.

I don't think girls realize Noah Brooks is way out of their league.
I mean, I'm literally one of the best high-school quarterbacks in the state, and I'm extremely hot. Sorry, not sorry, but make an effort to look good before you come to me.

I walk over to my locker when a girl bumps into me. "Watch where you're going, princess," I tell her, and for some reason, she rolls her eyes at me and walks away. what the heck? what did I even do to her? whatever, she doesn't matter. She was ugly anyway.

I grab my science book and head to class. This is the only class I have with my crush, Hannah, so I try to take advantage of it by sitting close or next to her. Hannah is the captain of the cheerleaders team, which basically means she cheers for me.

Hannah walked into science class, I can't help but stare. Any girl would kill to look like her, and any boy would want to date her. God, what I'd do to just walk up to her and smash my lips against hers.

I watch as she walks over to her seat, and she even smiles at me. Doesn't that mean she's basically obsessed with me?

i think I'm going to get her number after class, or at least try to. I'll say it's for the cheerleaders and football team group chat, which obviously doesn't exist. Or maybe I'll say it's for science homework? there's so many options to choose from.

Science class is so stupid. most of the time our teacher, Ms. Dinkins, makes us watch these videos on random things and then expects us to learn from them. She makes us take tests on things we never learned and then gets mad at us when we fail.

Once again, we're watching a video on something stupid. A freaking volcano erupting. no one even cares about volcanos, and the people who do are the people who live near one. This teacher really needs to find a better way to teach this class. I might as well go make out with some random girl in the back of this classroom at this point. I'd get an A either way.

Once the video ends, Ms. Dinkins starts talking, "For our next project, you will all get a partner." She looks around at the class, which everyone is already choosing partners.  "I wasn't done talking." She says. "I'm choosing the partners."

What the heck? She can't do that. it's not even fair. What if I have to work with someone I absolutely hate? What if I have to work with a really stupid kid. Or maybe one of my hookups? that would be so awkward.

"You will all find out tomorrow who you are working with. The bell is about to ring, and too many teachers have complained about me holding yall after the bell, so have a good rest of your day." Ms. Dinkins announces, and almost as if it's on queue, the bell rings right after she finishes.


"Who do you think you'll get as your partner?" Louis, my best friend and wide receiver of the football team, asks as we sit down at our lunch table with the rest of the team.

"I don't know, bro, but all I know is that if I get some ugly girl as my partner, I'm literally going to complain until I get a new partner." I tell him, "And if I do get a girl as my partner, it better be-" I get interrupted.

"Hannah!" Henry, the Offensive Lineman, says suddenly.

"How'd you know?" I ask, but then I look over and see Hannah literally at our lunch table. Oh god, did I just blow it?

"Hey guys! congrats on last game. You all were amazing! Noah, that touchdown was like the best one I've ever seen." Hannah says, and I give her a high five while smiling.

"Thanks, Hannah, your tricks are really good." I tell her, trying to come up with the best compliment I could give her. "Are you going to the dance next week?"

"Isn't basically everyone?" Hannah asks with a laugh. "Yeah, I am." I laugh nervously before she speaks again, "Anyway, I gotta go back to my table, bye, guys!" We all wave at her.

I glance around at the team nervously, trying the read their faces to know if I blew my chance or not.

They look at me I'm silence for at least a minute, and my anxiety shoots up. "Guys..?" I ask.

"Dude, you need to act so much cooler than that around her. She could probably tell you were nervous with her." Travis, the Tight End, told me.

"No way, was it actually that bad?" i ask, freaking out. I could feel my face turning bright red.

I watched as the entire team nodded, and I threw my head back and shook my head. "Oh my god," I say, running my hands down my face. "I messed up big time." The team nods again. "Not helpful, guys!"

The team laughs at my reaction. what the heck? I know we're all like a bunch of brothers, but there's no reason to laugh after I embarrass myself in front of my crush! It takes everything in me to not yell at all of them.

"Yo? Noah, you good?" Charlie, the Defensive Tackle, asks me, noticing how red my face is.

"Never better." I reply, obviously lying, but whatever.

"You didn't do anything that embarrassing, dude, I'm sure you didn't ruin your chance. You and Hannah will be the power couple of the school. she obviously wants you too." Owen, the running back assures me.

"Whatever. She definitely wants me, just like every other girl in this school." I reply, not even caring how cocky it sounds.

"That's the type of attitude we need!" Reece, the Free Safety says happily, and the team cheers.

I flash a smile at them. Maybe they were just joking around before. they really are amazing.

unlike my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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