The owner of the bar stared at the door, then back at the IDs.
"Leafy A'Blaze..."
A figure appeared behind him.
"And a Firey A'Blaze. Weird combination for a married couple."
"Don't judge. I'm not intervening. She is look...
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I know many other people do this but MY GOD Y'ALL WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS AND LIKE IT- I wrote this in 8th grade and I am still trying to find a plot for the second book. uhm. ((A/N: 13 YEAR OLD ME WAS FRICKEN ANGSTY- not like I'm not a year later :/
ANYWAYS Who would you like to see the POV of for the second book? I'm still deciding, cause I had an idea a month ago but then switched, so you guys who finished get to decide! And I mean anyone!