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When we went in he pinned me to to floor and whispered to me "Why are you so quiet? And and what do you do with your hands when your talking to people?" I start sighing and he wispered "No with your voice." I quietly said in a breaking voice " I use sigh language because I self muted 6-7 years ago." He whispered "Oh ok." Then asks if he can kiss me I blushed and said "Yes I guess so." And he kisses me. With that he starts to undress me and I'm kissing him back. He bites my lower lip and puts his tongue in my mouth he breaks the kiss then he just took of my haori then he goes to my neck then bites it gently. I moan and then we kiss again he gave me a Hicky or two and we continue to make out. AFTER THAT we come out thankfully my haori covered the hickys and we decide that it was time for bed. 

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