015. catching fire

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chapter 015,
catching fire

IMMEDIATELY, LUCY WAS GRATEFUL FOR THE BANDANA TIED OVER HER MOUTH. Even with it filtering out most of the toxic particles fluttering around the tunnels, she could still barely breathe, and every time she inhaled a full breath it was like her lungs were pressing against her ribcage. Something felt off about the whole affair. Maybe it was the fact that she was technically in another dimension.

Steve was the first to venture all the way in. Once he had climbed rather ungracefully down the rope, he looked back up at the rest of them, shrugging with his hands.

"The hell am I supposed to be looking for?"

"Anything," Dustin called back, his voice coming from the right side of the circle of heads around the entrance of the tunnel. "Just make sure the coast is clear!"

"Well, it's clear," Steve replied, shining his flashlight down all the different directions snaking out from where he stood. "You guys can come down now. And give me the damn map."

"Yeah, not happening." Leo grunted as he hopped down into the tunnel, making sure to push Steve to the side as he settled in. Leo pulled from his pocket the folded-up drawing of their estimations for the tunnel system. He looked up, then back at the paper, then back up and turned around. His flashlight beamed down one of the tunnels. "I'm pretty sure it's this way."

"And how the hell would you know?" Steve said.

"You're pretty sure, or you're sure?" Mike consulted. "Because we don't have time for—"

"I'm sure!" Leo yelled, his voice echoing down the tunnels. "I'm sure, okay? Just follow me and we'll find out."

"Woah, woah, woah," Steve said, pulling Leo back by the shirt. "No way. Any of you little shits die down here, Lucy and I get the blame. Got it, dipshit?"

Lucy hit Steve's arm. "Don't call my brother a dipshit."

"Yeah," Leo said. "Dipshit."

She hit Leo's arm. "Don't call Steve a dipshit."

"Oh, my god." Max brushed past all three of them and headed down the tunnels in the direction Leo had started. She glanced back over her shoulder. "You all coming, or are you gonna keep play-fighting back there?"

"Alright, alright." Steve put his hands up. "Max is in the lead from here on out. Come on, kids, we have places to be. Hustle, hustle; let's go..."

"GOD, MY CONVERSE ARE RUINED," Lucy muttered, her lips drawn down in a disgusted frown as she lifted one of her feet to point her flashlight at the icky blue goo stuck to the shoes. The sole of her right foot was flapping loosely and inches from falling off. "Anyone know if this shit comes out with detergent?"

"Two minutes down here, and she's already complaining." Leo rolled his eyes beneath his sparkly goggles. "You could go back up, you know."

"And leave you down here with Steve?" Lucy scoffed. "You'd rip each other to shreds. And I know none of the others would jump in to stop it."

"I'd love to see that happen," Max called from up ahead, leading the way, her flashlight a small bright dot in the front. "My money's on Leo."

"How much further?" Mike called, trudging up behind Max. "This bottle isn't getting any lighter."

"Stop complaining," she replied over her shoulder. "I think we're close."

"How do you define close?" Lucy muttered, slowing to a stop as she gazed up at an opening to her right. Everyone else had passed it, but she peeked her head in, and inside was exactly what Mike had described the "hub" to look like. Lucy turned back to the others. "Because I think we're here."

"Jesus," Dustin muttered, as everyone filed in. "It's... scary."

Lucy couldn't help but agree. Every tunnel fed into the one small area. She hadn't felt safe for a long time, but standing in the center of the Demo-dogs home, she felt even more on-edge, like she was being watched from every angle.

"Let's make this quick," she decided.

"Alright, team." Lucas clapped his hands. "Let's drench it."

Lucy didn't need to be told twice. She grabbed one of the bottles of gasoline, following the others and dumping its entire contents around the hub. It wasn't long before the area began to reek of gas and the empty bottles sat in the center, dripping the last of their contents onto the ground.

"Alright," Steve said. "You guys ready?"

"Ready," the others replied.

"Light her up," Leo said.

Steve lifted his lighter and clipped the lid off of it. He sighed. "I am in such deep shit."

And he flicked it on, throwing it to collide with the bottles, catching fire immediately on contact.

The flames roared to life, engulfing the entire area in heat. Lucy covered her face with her arms, wincing at the warmth, trying to shield the others behind her. Somebody grabbed her arm. She couldn't hear what they were saying over the crackling of the fire. Steve's hand found hers and he pulled her back through the tunnels as quickly as he could.

"Let's go!" he said, and Lucy finally came back to herself. Sweat dripped down into her eyes, but she ran as quickly as she could, ignoring the heat pressing against her back. The flames chasing her faster than she could escape them.

She felt a tug on her foot.

She looked down. The sole of her Converse that had almost peeled all the way off was caught on a vine. In her single moment of hesitation, the dying vines curled around her ankle and pulled her to the ground. The air escaped her lungs as she hit the floor, a small sound of pained impact rushing past her lips. She whimpered.

"Steve," she said. Quietly at first, then again, louder: "Steve—Steve, help!"

He was at the end of the group and the first to turn around. His eyes scanned what he was seeing. They widened, then his lips formed a curse as he rushed over to her. The others slowly realized what was happening and paused to see what the matter was.

He lifted his bat over his head and swung it down as hard as he could. The vines withered. One more hit, and they were gone, curling back to their homes. Steve grabbed Lucy's hand and pulled her back up.

"Go, go, go!" she said, as the crackling of the flames grew louder and the growling of Demo-dogs grew closer. "We're almost there!"

"They're coming!" Mike yelled. "RUN!"

"There it is!" Lucas pointed to the rope and got a running start, jumping to grab it and climb up. Once he hit the surface at a remarkable speed, he lowered a hand, helping Max up; then Mike, Leo, and Dustin. Steve grabbed Lucy's hips and lifted her up. Leo and Max took her by the hands and pulled her out. Finally, Steve climbed the rope, and they all rushed back to the car as quickly as their feet could carry them, screaming and yelling curses.

Before they could even hop into the car, the headlights flickered on. They began to glow brighter than what even seemed to be possible. Lucy shielded her eyes, wincing away from the blinding light.

And all at once, it came to an end. Everything shut down. The Demo-dogs went silent. The lights switched off.

"Eleven," Mike whispered. "She did it. They all did it."

"It's over?" Lucy murmured, looking up to Steve, hoping he would confirm it. That the whole nightmare was finished. He met her eyes and pressed his forehead against hers, cupping her cheeks and tracing his thumb along her lips.

"It's over," he whispered. "You're okay, Luce. You're okay."

But the way he said it sounded more like he was assuring himself of the fact than he was assuring her.

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