Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I open my eyes and it's bright.  I look around, ok so it wasn't all a dream.  I actually did come up to this house and sleep in this bed with my mate.  But where is he now?  It's probably a good thing that he's not here, I mean what would I say to him?  I don't know him at all, but he is my mate and he saved my life yesterday.  Last night was so surreal, I mean, I kissed him and played with him and he chased me and the whole nearly being killed thing, what if that's all it is, what if the only reason we seemed to get on so well last night was the adrenaline from the fight. I mean he is not here now, what if he‘s changed his mind? God, I let him carry me into the house like we had gotten married, what was I thinking? He is not my husband, I only met him yesterday.  Adrenaline does crazy things. I wonder how he is feeling this morning, is he regretting carrying me over the threshold? Or kissing me?  This whole having a mate thing is tough.  I need to do something now or I will sit with these thoughts in my head for the day, going crazy.

 I get out of bed and walk across to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I notice the ribbon has fallen out of my hair.  That's strange.  I use the toilet, run some water in the bath and brush my teeth while I wait for it to fill up.  Once it’s full I get out of my pj’s and hop into the bath, I start to clean my arms and shoulders.

 "Lucy, are you ok?" Oh crap, I forgot to lock the door.

 "Yeah, I'm fine, just having a bath".   I feel like I should have added honey or dear to that sentence. But then  I feel my wolf starting to get angry, she is sending me a message. He has not won us yet. Correct, he may be my mate, but that doesn’t mean I have to call him any pet names.

"Ah good, you found the bubble bath then. I'll wait for you downstairs".   Hmm no pet names from him either, maybe the honeymoon's over.

Wait did he say bubble bath? I haven’t used it in years.  Not even after the scarrings, hot water does the trick, I sometimes add the soap for the dishes.  But maybe he doesn't know that.  Oh he would think I am so dirty if I didn't use any.  I can't just ask him where it is now, I'm already in the bath.  It must be in the basket with the other stuff.  "Ok, I'll be down soon".   Once he's gone, I'll look for it.

"It's just, well, the bubble bath hasn't been opened, it's on top of the towels I left at the end of the bed for you, do you want me to bring everything in to you?"

Oh crap, the towels, who has a bath without making sure they have a towel ?  "Em, no that's alright.  I'll grab them in a second.  You go on downstairs ok".

Oh this is so awkward, but at least we have started talking and it's actually not so difficult.

 "Lucy, if you are in the bath already then I'll just bring everything in, I promise not to open my eyes ok.   If you get out of the bath you will get cold".   Damn, he's got a point.  I don't know why I get so nervous about him seeing me naked.  We all see each other naked before we shift. I'm going to need those towels though.

"If you wouldn't mind bringing them in, I'd very much appreciate it.  The door is unlocked".  He is fast, he is already in the bathroom, eyes closed as promised and carrying a bundle of towels.   He puts everything on the counter beside the basket except a bottle.  He feels around for the edge of the bath and I put my hand out and take the bottle.  "Thanks Alex".   And as quick as he was in, he is out again.  I open the bottle and smell the bubble bath.  Mmm vanilla and sandalwood, I pour in a few drops, then a few more, I shake my hands in the water to make bubbles, oh I feel like a child again.  This is so much better than plain hot water.  It feels like silk against my body, it smells so good.  I dip my head in the water and wash my hair.  I had forgotten how great this is.  I scrub the rest of my body until I'm squeaky clean.  Then I rinse my hair.  I reluctantly pull the plug out of the bath and step out.  I wrap a towel around myself, oh this is so fluffy and soft.  My wolf loves how it feels, she wants me to shift so she can roll around on it, I pick up the other towel for my hair and then I see a red rose, hidden underneath it.  He got me a rose.  Well that's one way to melt a girl’s heart.  He may not have won me yet, but he is certainly trying.  And that helps my wolf settle down. I wrap the towel around my hair and rub it dry.

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