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4 months later*:

"Okay Tori, I'm gonna need you to give me two more big pushes!"

the doctor firmly called out to me as I was trying to catch my breath from the last one, I laid back against my hospital bed looking up at Quentin who was holding my leg with one hand and with the other he allowed me to use to get through this labor.

"I can't baby, I can't do it."

"Look at me, our son is almost here okay? Anthony is almost here and that's because of you baby, You got this you're the strongest woman I know and you CAN do this."

Quentin said giving me the pep talk I needed, I sat up and held on to my mom and Quentin's hand as I gave one more big push.

"That's it I can see his head just one more Tori!"

"You got this baby girl!"

I tuned everyone out as I pushed hard one last time, and as I dropped back against the bed I heard my sons little cries. Quentin began planted kisses on my forehead as they cut the umbilical cord and took him to get cleaned up, once the placenta was out and they weighed and checked on Anthony they finally brought him back to us.

"Okay mama and daddy here's your baby boy, he weighed at 7 lbs. 8oz and he's a whopping 22 inches long."

The nurse said as she placed him on my chest, I looked down at my baby boy and knew my only purpose in life was to be his mom. I looked up at Quentin and seen the tears that cascaded down his face as he bended down kissing me then the top of Anthony's head.

"I'm so proud of you two, Quentin since the first time I met you I knew you were the one for my daughter but I need you to keep being the one for her and my grandson okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

My mom smiled and nodded towards him.

"Alright you two I'm gonna give dad an update and give you some alone time with my handsome grandson."

She kissed Anthony on the head and excused herself from the room leaving us to be in awe of our little man.

"He has your eyes, we made a handsome little dude babe."

" yeah he might have my eye's but he has your everything else, I literally pushed out a lighter photo copy of you."

I said pouting a little, which caused Quentin to bust into full laughter, but I was serious I carried this little boy for nine months only for him to come out looking just like his dad with my complexion and eye color.

"Don't worry baby, when we have a little girl she'll be your little twin."

He said planting a kiss on my lips as my dad and mom walked back into the room with Quentin's mom right behind them.

"Oh let me see my grandbaby! look at this little man y'all made a handsome little one!"

Quentin's mom said as she got a closer look, my dad walked on the other side hugging Quentin congratulating him and giving me a kiss on the forehead. Our family spent the rest of the time with us before visiting hours were over, our parents left giving out kisses and hugs the nurses gave Quentin a blanket and pillow before taking Anthony to give us a night of sleep.

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