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Option 1:

"On the account of attempted rape in the first degree how does the jury find the defendant?"


"On the account of felony assault in the first degree how does the jury find the defendant?"


I was relieved hearing those words, I knew there was no way he could get to me now and I was as happy as I could possibly be. My parents hugged onto me tightly as we walked out of the courthouse, I felt free from the hell Asher put me in since our relationship started. Quentin was there but as soon as we were leaving he disappeared, he still hasn't spoken to me since the day he brought flowers and walked out of my life and I was broken because I feel as if I lost a part of me.

My parents told me to corner him some where and demand an answer on why he was avoiding me and I planned on doing that after court but once again he was a ghost in the wind. Simon said maybe he was swamped with school and although I appreciated his good side to everything I knew that wasn't it, Quentin is low key a genius and didn't need to do much to pass. I just wish he would talk to me, whatever it was we could fix it somehow.

Later that day my parents and I were sitting in the restaurant waiting on Simon, they wanted to finally meet him and I was excited but also nervous my parents aren't too trusting now especially with all that has happened with Asher. They only like Quentin and since he's no where to be found they're going to have to get used to Simon being in my life, I spotted Simon walking over to the table at a hurried pace he was 5 minutes late to dinner.

"I am so sorry! I was caught in traffic coming from the office."

He said as he finally reached the table, my parents and I stood as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Mom, dad this is Simon."

"It's lovely to meet you, I hope my tardiness didn't turn you sour to me already."

He said as he shook both my parents hands as we all sat back down, we waited for the waitress and put in our orders before my dad cleared his throat and I knew the questions were about to come quick.

"Son, how old are you?"

Simon took a sip of his wine before answering.

"I'm 25 sir."

"That's a little high in age for our Tori she's barely 20."

My mom chimed in.

"Yes ma'am I am 6 years older but Tori is a very bright young lady and also very mature, I found comfort in her company."

My mom smiled at his answer.

"And what is it that you do for work?"

The next question came from my dad, even though he already knew because I've told them.

"I'm a clerk, I will be taking the bar in two months so I can finally become a lawyer."

My dad was impressed by his answer but he wasn't letting up just yet.

"And how do you feel about Tori still being a college student, and where do you see yourself with my daughter?"

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