Chapter 18 Message.

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"What happened my grace!?" Zhongli yelled as your team arrived they froze when they saw you sitting on the robots arm.

"Mother's on a Ruin gaurd!" Paimon yelled shocked.

"Hi everyone." You said happy as you patted the robot making it lower it's arm so you can get off.

"It that a.. Lector..?" Aether spoke seeing the limp figure in the irons gaint grip.

"Yes it is." You said "don't worry this gaurd is on our side." You told them.

"My Grace what happened??" Diluc asked worried.

"First. Aether I need to speak to you." You said and looked at Aether. He nodded as you looked at the robot. "Stay here and make sure that lector doesn't escape" you gave it a command. The light blinked once as if signaling it understood. Then you motioned Aether to follow as you walked off to a more private spot. Once you arrived to the spot you turned to Aether. "I met Lumine"

Aether eyes widen as he quickly started asking questions. "You did?! How is she?? Is she ok? What did she -" you looked away as he stopped noting your fallen expression. "What happened..?"

"She attacked me." You said. "She insisted I took control of you and watched to catch me to set you free or something of the sort." You felt arms wrap around you close as Aether buried his face in your shoulder.

"I'm so sorry my grace.. You shouldnt have been targeted like that. My sister didn't listen to me and you got hurt because of it" he said as you felt him shiver. You quickly hugged him back soothing him.

"It's ok. I fled and I told her she should speak with you. I didn't hurt her but know she was going to hurt Ayaka as well." You told him. He listened as you told him all that happened. The ambush, the chase, how you were cornered and it was the ruin gaurd that in the end helped you.

"I'm a terrible brother " he said as you gently rub his back soothing. "I couldn't find her. My Grace you helped me but even then I couldn't find her." You gently wiped the tears from his face.

"No Aether. You love your sister and care for her. You did find her. It's that. She thinks she has other things she must do first. And unfortunately it seems that I may be among those plans. How? Well I'm not sure yet but.." you paused. "I do know this" you said as Aether looked at you. "I'll be right here to support your every step" you smiled at him.

Aether felt his cheeks heat up. In his eyes you were perfect. He hugged you close to him as he said thank you. He felt so lucky to have you by his side. As his wife. He loved you so much. You didn't leave him, you didn't push him aside, you came to him. Unlike his sister. Instead she left, he reached out to her and she walked away, he tried to talk to her and all she do was accuse you. Now she attacked her. He froze. She attacked you. He tightened his hold on you in a protective manner. He felt anger arise knowing his own sister hurt you.

'How could she...' Aether thought. 'she knows how much I love her and she just-' he shivered a bit in anger imagining the fear and pain you must've went through. 'No. No one hurts my wife.. This world was dark til she lit my way around. No one can hurt my light. Not even my sister..'

You were tapping Aether calling him trying to get his attention as you felt his hug tighten and heard him whisper "No one hurts my starlight.."

"Aether!" You yelled calling him as he snapped back to reality. "Finally you listen" you said as he looked at you. "Look!" You said pointing as he looked over.

"Dainsleif?" Aether said seeing him in the distance.

"What are you waiting for let's go!" You said as you grabbed his hand and took off to him as he ran with you interlocking his fingers with yours.

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