"Zosia! My Dear!" Zac screamed, rushing to pick her up. However, she spat out the blueberry straight into Mr. Water's face, while he was performing CPR.
"We need to send help immediately!" Aaron yelled.
"Stopped being such a weenie." Ella said.
As everyone ate eggs and toast Reese made, they decided on a plan.
"Let us, and we shall sacrifice Aaron!"
"What!?" Aaron shouted, "I OBJECT!"
"Well, suck it up buttercup." said Mooooow
"Such perfection" said ella.
"I agree" King Alan added "I say we crucify him!"
"YESSSSS" ella said in such joy
"HEHE" Aaron said.
"What is it now???"
"There was no attack in the first place, I was just drastically messing with you brats!"
They let out an evil chuckle.
"Crucify?" Ella exaggeratedly asked.
"CRUCIFY!" Everyone said together, as Aaron's face quickly changed from joy to a frozen stiff shock of horror.
Aaron met a tragic painful end.
And Zosia had fainted, again.
Zac screamed, and swiftly took Zosia and carried her, despite him being quite short. Zac was looking into Zosia's closed eyes and blushed, heavily.
Lord Alan declared we move the crucified corpse to the colosseum, to be set as a decor, yet also much like a drastic warning to all.
While moving the corpse to be hanged zosia bumped into a peasant,
"NORA?" Zosia said surprised.
"Oh, hey Zosia." Nora said, "Um... sooo... could you ask Mowwww to let me free?
">:] naaaaah" Zosia said, then walked away. Zosia turned away too fast to see the hatred in her eyes. But when Zosia could not see was the scheming
that was happening inside Nora's really small brain.
While Zosia was walking away, Zac was right behind her. Nora for some reason decided to grab Zac by the hand and kidnap him. But Nora was too weak, ugly and short, so Zac easily got loose. Zosia noticed what had happened and went over to see. When she saw Nora she went up to her and kicked her ass as hard as she could. Zac was watching this weird scene and congratulated Zosia on beating up Nora . Then Zosia ran away with Zac leaving Nora crying with her bruised ass.
Just then, Mooow started complaining that they needed a spy.
"I'll do it, I guess." Reese volunteered, so then she got the job.
Humorthis is another old story but it's remade from another old story, it's not really finished but i'll upload it here ig