Modern Times

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***Rani's POV***

I sift through my backpack and pull out my books. As I heave them up, some blondy jams my shoulder into the row of lockers. "Sorry!" he says really quickly and starts off, blushing. "Hey kid!" I call. He looks back and raises his eyebrows. "Come 'ere!" He runs over sorta fast like he's either excited or he wants to get it over with. I stick out my hand and say, "I'm Rani. I've never seen you here before. You new?" "Yep. I'm Gavin. Hey, d'you know where Mr. Pont de Grace's room is?" I smile and jog of, beckoning him to come forth.

***Gavin's POV***

I run after Rani to see where she's going. I see her speed up some stairs and slip through the door before it closes behind her. "Wait up!" I shout up at her, and my voice echoes through the column of stairs. The only response is the door slamming 2 flights up. I start to sprint  up the stairs to catch up with her before she is lost in the sea of students. When I squeeze through the door I see Rani leaning against the door twirling a strand of raven hair around her finger. I run towards her and when I reach her, she barely looks up at me. "Hey, Gavin. Here it is," she says dully. "You 'kay?" I ask. She raises an eybrow like I've gone mad and steps in Mr. Pont de Grace's room. I watch her as she slides into a seat at the back of the room and lays her head in her hand. Then, my eyes fall on Mr. Pont de Grace himself.

***Rani's POV***

 So, the teacher is really strict. He's like "Rani, who's your... guest and why? I'm not prepared for unwanted intruders." His dark grey-green eyes bore into mine. This is the one time that is blonde-grey hair doesn't cover his eyes and his pinkish-tan forehead, which has now turned a bright shade of red. His cavernous eyes settle on Gavin. Crap. That's the "unwanted intruder". So, I studder, "Th-th-that's the n-n-new boy, G-g-g-gavin." "Ah," he say, looking at the a chart of students, "Mr. Gavroche      Thenardier Jr. Welcome to my French class. Am I right to say  you already speak a little?" Gavin nods, "A little, I guess. How did you know?" "You see," Mr P begins, "I knew your grandparents. Lovely folks, they were, but I'm afraid they were quite delusional. Spoke of young revolutionaries rising from the dead, I believe. Sad case, they were. Always speaking of their ancestor. I suppose you know the name?" Gavin shook his head. Mr P starts again, "They didn't tell you much, eh? Wel,, they spoke of the child revolutionary Gavroche. A street urchin, he was. Abandoned at a young age. He didn't have a fair life. His parents were inkeeper, drunken most of the time, I've heard. They abandoned him and he was left there to become one of the youngest French revolutionaries. Sadly, he died at the barricade run by all school boys. Foolish, they were. Had long lives ahead of them. Your grandparents told me all about how the dead revolutionaries weren't really dead. Rubbish, I tell you, rubbish. I myself am the descendant of a revolutionary. The only one who lived, I've been told. Marius Pontmercy. My last name has been changed quite a bit, I'm afraid. Probably for the better. I don't need anybody asking me whether the other revolutionaries lived, because I don't like saying no too many times. Now back to class. How appropriate. Onto the history of the French revolution." And so the lesson began.

***Gavin's POV***

After French class, Rani grabs my arm. "Gavroche Thenardier? Why didn't you tell me? Anyway, do you know if your ancestor lived or not? I mean, Mr P isn't exctly the most reliable person." I lean over. "He did. I have records of his children. I'm his direct decendant!" And so we went on talking until we parted ways.


And this is the story of how the story of the young French revolutionaries went from realistic and fathomable to wild and unbeliveable over the course of one school period. Since this day, Gavroche Thenardier Jr has gone on to publish records of his ancestor's very full life, and how all the young revolutionaries in fact did live after the revolutionary. Mr. Pont de Grace has officially changed his last name back to Pontmercy. After much research, Rani has found out that she is the decendant of Isabel Thenardier, Gavroche's mother, proving that Gavroche Jr and Rani are related. The world now knows the tale of the legendary Surprise Pup and his friends from the barricade. They have all agreed that The Boys would have wanted it this way. And with that...


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