Oh my god.

250 3 7

 Been a while, sorry and enjoy~

(Nooshy's POV)

This is bad.

Nooshy:" I'm sorry? Cuz, you make it sound like Johnny is property."

Anna:" he will be my property soon."

Nooshy:" not on my watch."

She growls at me. Yes, literally growls, as in, what tigers and predators do.

What the f-

Johnny:" excuse me, but I don't think I will be your property anytime soon. Let's go."

He says before tugging me along. I sent one last, sharp glare at Anna, before turning and walking with Johnny.

Once in the hall, he turns to me and gives me one of those... how do you call them?

Oh, right, the.

'What. Did. You. Do.'


Nooshy:" she started it!"

I defended, rather childishly I'll admit, as I pointed in the direction of her.

Johnny:" I. Don't. Care."

I gulp, he was really intimidating this way.

Then smiling sheepishly as a try to smooth things over.

Yeh, you guessed how that worked out.

He gave me a... what do you call them?





Nooshy:" this isn't working, is it?"

Johnny:" no."

He said quite bluntly.

While I dropped my posture and frowned frustratedly.

Before crossing my arms and looking away, tapping my foot repeatedly as I mumble.

Nooshy:" wasn't my fault."

Johnny:" I know it wasn't, but I would prefer if you wouldn't anger her. I'll talk to moon and we'll see what to do, alright?"

I shook my head back and forth and grumbled before agreeing.

Nooshy:" okaaaayyyyy, fine."

His serious posture dropped when he saw my pouty lip and still frustrated eyes. 

He laughs at me and pecks the pouted lip, which instantly made a smile on my face.

He laughs again and takes my hand before we walk to where we're staying.

I live with Ash, which is good cause, I need girl talk.

Nooshy:" Ash! Ash! Ash! I need to talk to you!"

Ash:" can't it wait? I wanna watch a movie."

I grab the remote.

Ash:" hey!"

Nooshy:" shhh! I need your help!"

Ash:" okay, with what?"

Nooshy:" so, as you know, I really, really like Johnny. Love. Love Johnny."

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