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 Been a while, sorry.

(Nooshy's POV)

Nooshy:" dad?"

My whole body was in shock. Why is HE here?

Norbert:" Nooshy!? What-"

He said breathless.

I scoff at him. Johnny and Mr. Moon stared at us in shock.

Nooshy:" what. Are. You. Doing. Here?"

I seethe through gritted teeth. He still stares at me in disbelief and shock.

Norbert:" why are you here?"

Nooshy:" why? Surprised that someone actually wanted me?" 

Norbert:" I-"

He cut himself off, at complete loss of words.

Nooshy:" you gave me up five years ago, and that's all you have to say?!"

I shout into his face.

Norbert:" I tried to get you back, Noosh. I really did. But by the time I got to the home, they told me you had run away."

Nooshy:" why bother bringing me back if you gave me up in the first place!?!"

I screeched loud through the theatre, but I didn't care. Let them know what kind of "man" he is.

Norbert:" Nooshy, please, don't embarrass yourself."

Nooshy:" 'embarrass myself'?"

He nodded nervously as he looked at all the people staring at us in the room.

I couldn't help what happened next, and I don't regret it.


The sound shot through the room, everyone gasping as his face shot to the side. His hand on the place I had just slapped.

Nooshy:" you should be embarrassed to be who you are. You are a coward, a traitor and a poor excuse of a man. And if you think I'd willingly would come back with you, then you sir... can. Kiss. My. Ass."

I seethe before storming off the stage with balled fists. I storm to my dressing room and plop down onto the chair. 

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt drops fall down onto my lap. I let my face fall into my hands as I start crying full on.

I tried wiping the tears away but it was no use, they wouldn't go away.

My dad gave me up when my mom died, saying it was my fault she did. I believed him for a while, until one day, I realized that it wasn't my fault.

I ran away from the home and never came back.

I lived off trash and back alleys for months. It was a miracle that I survived for that long.

One day, a old lady found me and took care of me. I lived with her in Red Shore City. Until I was fourteen and started performing as a dancer.

Later on, she started to get ill and passed away. It broke my heart because she had become my family.

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