Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The discovery

(Crash site)

John had set his wrist watch to wake him up early as he knew he had a long trip ahead of him. Getting off the makeshift hammock, he stretched in order to loosen his muscles. John then took a deep breath before walking over to his gear which was resting against a crate, and began to put it on. Once all the gear was on he double checked to make sure he had everything.

Amour... check! Weapon and ammo check! Compass... check! MRE's and water... check!

Seeing he had every he needed he began to walk outside as the first rays of sunlight became visible. Letting out a sigh he turned around to examine the black diamond for one last time, as he highly doubted he would be coming back.

Most of the ship was intact, but the left wing had suffered structural damage as it now rested on an angle against the ground. The large engines that had once powered it, were now charred as they had likely burned from damage when it crashed or during the re-entry. The back-tail fin was also damaged as a piece of the rotor was missing which he believed fell off during the flight as it would explain why it was so difficult to land.

Closing his eyes for a moment John gave a silent farewell, before turning around and beginning to walk to the cliff ledge. Looking down he saw that the cliff was steep, but there were plenty of places to grab onto. Slowly John began to descend towards the ground. After about twenty minutes John finally reached the ground and assessed his surroundings as he tried to figure out which way to go. Taking out his compass he looked to his left and began to walk east.

John walked for a good hour as he made his way through the forest until he now noticed something. Stopping he listened to his surroundings but was met with silence, and that was what troubled John. Besides the sound of the wind there was nothing, no bird calls, insects, or any other animal making noise.

'That isn't normal.' He thought. Crouching down he examined the ground to see if he could see anything but again he was met with nothing.

No ants, beetles, spiders... nothing.

This didn't make sense to John as a forest as lush as this should be crawling with animals, but he couldn't find a trace of anything.

Letting out another sigh he decided to let it be and began walking once more to tell he finally reached a clearing. Checking his watch, he saw that it was now close to nine so he decided to stop for a moment and take a drink of water. Walking over to a rock he plumped himself down onto it before pulling out his water bottle and taking a few sips.

Looking up he saw that the sky was clear and the sun was slowly rising higher into the air.

'Well at least it will be a nice day.' He thought as he took another sip of water. He looked around to see what kinds of plants were here in order to see if he could finally figure out where he was and a patch of bamboo growing off to his right.

'Well at least I know I'm in Asia somewhere.' He concluded.

Taking another sip, he finally closed the bottle and put it away before looking up to see it was now getting bright. Reaching into his bag he pulled out his sun glasses and put them on before setting off towards, where he saw the smoke. John finally reached a cliff face and knew he had to go up it as it was the most direct way. Approaching the cliff face he tested the wall and found it to be sturdy, and began to ascend up the cliff face. After about ten minutes of non-stop climbing John reached the top and pulled himself away from the ledge as he took several labored breaths.

"I... hate... climbing." He murmured to himself as he wiped the sweat off of his face. Getting up he soon realized he was now on a path.

Knowing he was now getting close he got up and began walking down the path to where he thought the village or town was. He walked for several minutes until he reached a bridge made of rope with wooden planks placed along the bottom to the other side about forty feet away.

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