Chapter 7: Consequences

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I watched Ambrose from the window above the sink as I washed my hands under the warmth of the tap water. He had been out there all day under the beaming sun, plucking blade of grass after blade of grass. I didn't have the heart to tell him it would take him weeks at this rate.

The amount of life energy needed to activate a Fullvalda's gift is different per person, but it is consistently a vastly large amount of energy. I just don't want to push him into something he isn't ready for.

I dried my hands with a beige kitchen towel and took my eyes off Ambrose as I walked away from the window. Then, I grabbed my woven basket and strolled through the back door, where my garden was hidden.

I knelt in the dirt and let my body connect to the earth around me. I dug my hands into the ripe soil and merged my magic with the ground, feeling the roots attached to my plants. I watched as the healthiest of my carrots emerged from the earth. I reached over, plucked them from the soil, and placed them in the basket. I continued harvesting crops until my basket was full of all the supplies I needed for a dinner for two.

I opened the back screen door and placed the basket of vegetables on the kitchen counter. I looked out the window to check on Ambrose, and my heart dropped when he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I ran out of the house as fast as I could. I tore through the meadow, yelling Ambrose's name.

I slowed my breathing and closed my eyes. I focused on what I was feeling. I searched for his life energy around me. I tried to ignore as many small creatures as possible, focusing on the more considerable energies. I was getting overwhelmed and lost in all the wildlife surrounding me. I couldn't feel him anywhere.

My mind was exhausting itself, and I lost all concentration and focus. Finally, I crashed onto my knees, and my head started spinning, but I still held on. I was reaching further and further, trying to find a trace of Ambrose's energy.

Just as I was about to let go, I felt something getting closer and closer, high above my head. I opened my eyes, and Ambrose had the most beautiful golden wings as he danced through the air.

"Ambrose!" I yelled, trying to get his attention.

He laughed as he started doing barrel turns through the air. "Juniper, this is amazing!" He yelled down to me.

"Ambrose, get down from there! It's not safe." I pleaded.

I don't know how he managed to connect to his magic so quickly, but flying was dangerous for new Fae. Fae wings have a mind of their own; if you break concentration, they can take control when your mind is weak. It takes many years of practice for Fae to be able to fly long distances comfortably without trouble.

"Ambrose, please listen to me. I need you to come back down!" I shouted up at him. He continued to laugh as he yelled back at me. "Fine, Juniper, I'm coming down." He sighed.

He attempted to make his way to the ground, but I could tell he had lost control. He started zig-zagging and dashing through the sky at dangerous speeds.

"Juniper!" He yelled. "I-I can't get down!"

Ambrose was losing his composure. His emotions were heightened, which gave his wings more power over him. There was only one thing I could do to help him now.

I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes and called on my magic, directing it to my back as I jumped into the air. Instead of my feet landing back on the ground, they stayed floating in the air. I opened my eyes and wasted no time racing after Ambrose.

He was speeding through the air almost faster than I could keep up with. Every time I gained on him, his wings suddenly took him in another direction out of nowhere.

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