01 | sticks and stones

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❛ 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ༉‧₊˚

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"I wish I killed you that day!" Diluc blurted out in the moment of heat.


No, Diluc could hear the deep breaths he was taking and how fast his heart was beating.

He regretted it and was about to apologise when he heard light chuckles.

Kaeya had his heart broken many times, but having it break once again didn't affect him.


Yes, he could feel the pain deep in his heart so unbearable that he wanted to fall onto his knees and let out screams.

But he had never truly shown people what was behind his mask, so why would he do that now?

His smile had the same cheshire grin he adorned on his face every day as he lied through his teeth however his eyes had gone ice cold, just like his vision, just like his heart.

"Then do it."

"What?" Diluc couldn't believe what he had heard just now and what his sworn brother had just uttered.

"Kill me, didn't you just say that you regretted not killing me before? Well, dearest master Diluc, I'm giving you a chance. Kill me."

Diluc wanted to yell at the other for what he was saying, how could he joke about something like that?

But the look in those blue eyes told him that he was completely serious and Diluc never felt this sick in his life, not even when he held his father's body which had gone cold.

How could Kaeya tell him to kill him? Didn't he know how much Diluc cared about him?


Ah yes, they were no longer the same.

They weren't Diluc and Kaeya from the Ragnvindr clan who used to throw water at each other, play pranks on others or giggle behind the grapevines.

They were now Diluc Ragnvindr and Kaeya Alberich who jab insults at each other, who can't stand and glare at each other.

"Why so surprised now Master Diluc?" Kaeya let out a cruel smirk.

"Oh? Speechless now, aren't we?"

Even now Kaeya couldn't let go of his silver tongue, because this was a weapon he honed.

He developed this skill as he grew up.

Sure, the Ragnvindrs provided him with a home but for someone like him who came from a fallen nation, a sense of security was something he always lacked.

This led him to him being careful around people and observing everyone around him, their reactions and their speech pattern.

He grew up understanding people, and Kaeya knew the correct words to speak which would please others.

Diluc had grown up in a loving household since the beginning of his life and with his status, he didn't need to hold back his tongue.

Because who would go against him?

The noble heir of a noble clan, one who held a monopoly over the wine industry.

It would've been good if he had learned how to hold back his tongue.

Unfortunately, the redhead realised this fact a bit too late.

Late enough for him to hurt Kaeya once again.

"I..." Diluc stuttered out to give a reply, to say something, to apologise.

But it was as if he was frozen in time, unlike his gentleman self, this time he was unable to form words.

"Captain Kaeya!" An outrider called out making the bluenette look at her.

"Ah, well if it isn't our dearest outrider, tell me Amber what is that you wish to speak?"

"Ugh," Amber huffed in annoyance, "You are needed at the headquarters. Go quickly! I'll also get going, bye Master Diluc!" She left as quickly as she came.

The captain stood up from his chair when he heard a whisper.


"It's alright, Master Diluc." He gave the other a close-eyed smile.

His heart was covered in ice and his eye was covered in unshed tears, he did not spare another glance at his brother who wanted to speak.

Kaeya walked out of the tavern without looking back.

"After all, you had always been bad at words..."


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