Look this direction.

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He pushes past her, his arm still around me,
"C'mon sweetheart," he turns his attention back to me, his words much softer and more kind than the ones he had just spoken to Melissa.
I look at my feet and blush.
He takes me to the car and opens the door for me before getting in his side.
"Wanna get coffee or something?"
"sure- b-but I don't have any money.." I avoid eye contact, embarassed.
"Did I ask if you had money?"
I shake my head.
"Right. I asked if you wanted coffee," he looks over at me.
I smile shyly and look away.
"Whats wrong?"
he asks, starting up the car.
"Nothing- just, uhm, a bit confused I guess."
I fiddle with the sleeve of my jacket.
"Why you acted like that infront of Melissa."
"Why? Did it bug you?"
"No! no- it didn't, i just-"
He chuckles as I struggle with my words.
"Someones flustered."
"What- I'm not! where'd you get that idea?"
He laughs and pulls out of the parking lot.
"I thought why not give them something real to talk about," he says casually.
Those words are like a punch to my stomach, confusing me even more.
"Plus, you kinda owe me."
"I didn't ask you to comfort me while I was-"
"What? No, not that. For skipping out my classes for you. What do you mean by that?"
He scowls and looks over at me.
"I- I'm thankful for that, so thankful, don't get me wrong!"
As I say this his face relax's.
"I just- thought it was an inconvenience for you."
he pushes.
"Because everytime someone helps me I'm always expected to pay them back."
I can tell he's not following.
"I'm not gonna get into the parents part of it, because thats a lot to explain. But specifically, because of my ex, I dated him for 6 months, I thought I loved him, I was attached. I trusted him so much, but soon it turned into him neglecting me, only talking to me when he needed something and using me for sex. Everytime I tried to ask him for support or even just love, he'd get irritated. He'd expect me to 'pay him back' by like.. getting me to do stuff, even if I wasn't in the mood. I'd also literally do everything for him, make his bed, make him food, clean his room, do his chores, his dishes, everything because I was scared of saying no."
"Shit, y/n that's fucked. I'm sorry."
"Not to mention he sexually assauleted me," I mumble.

"Fuck" he whispers.
"Y'know, you deserve way more than that. He sounds like a futureless asshole who'll live with his mom forever."

"Probably. and thanks."

I sit quietly, unsure of what to say.

"You okay?"
He asks gently.

"Yeah.. I just, I've never told anyone that before."

"Really?" He looks over at me.

"Yeah, I've never trusted anyone enough I guess."

"You trust me?" His voice softens.
I nod in response.
He just smiles and turns back to the road.
He takes us through a drive through and buys me coffee and a muffin.

"Thank you so much," I beam and sip my coffee.

"Y/n," he drags the last letter of my name out, whining at me, "you're welcome," he chuckles.
He drives off, heading out of town.

"Where are we going?"
I ask, confused.

"You'll see."
"Are you gonna murder me?" I ask in a jokingly judgmental tone.

"Shut up. Of course not, you're too pretty."
He smiles.
I blush and turn towards the window to hide it.

"Aww, not so snobby now are we?"
I shoot him a playful glare and cross my arms, pouting at him.
He sticks out his bottom lip mockingly and pouts back.

"Shut up!" I giggle.

"I didn't say anything."

"I know," I sink down in my seat nervously.
He drives out for another half hour, we spend the whole time bullying eachother.

"Are you sure you aren't plotting my death? We're really far out of town, nobody know where I am."

"Relax princess."
My stomach flips inside out when he calls me that, filling with violent butterflies.

"What did you just call me?"

"Princess. What? You don't like it?"

"I- no-"

"You don't?" He interrupts.

"I do! I like it."
I hide my face with my hands.
He chuckles.
He pulls down a dirt road leading down to a lake.
He parks the car and we get out.
The sun shines beautifully onto the surface of the water, making it shimmer almost like a blanket of glitter.
The trees put off a perfect cool green and the the wind blows just enough to keep you at a comfy temperature.

"This is beautiful," I look around in aweh.

"I knew you'd love it. Follow me," he takes me down a little trail leading to a dock.
We sit together and admire the scenery.

"I just got out of a toxic relationship too, if it makes you feel any better? I just thought you'd maybe wanna know I understand how your feeling, and you're not alone y'know?"
I smile and nod.

"Thank you so much, I'm here for you too Bj."

"Bj?" He scrunches his nose at the name playfully.

"What? You don't like it?" I mock his words from earlier.
His jaw drops in dramatic shock.

"How dare you use my own tactics against me," he clutches his heart.

"Shut up Bj," I smirk as I obviously try and push his buttons.
He suddenly puts an arm around my waist and pulls me a bit closer to him.
Leveling with me and making full eye contact, our faces inches apart.

"I'd be careful if I were you y/n."
He says in a painfully teasing growl.
My face flushes pink, he stares at me, every blink inviting more butterflies to bat their wings against my stomach lining.

"I bet you'd just love it if I kissed you right now, wouldn't you?"
A smug smile spreads across his stupid face as he watches my face twist with nervousness and embarrassment.

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