Chapter I

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*I will post a photo of our wonderful characters in the next chapter €w€*
Hhh, enjoy my loves~

London, England
July 06, 1937
12:30 PM

Deep breath. It'll be fine.

I stare from behind my steering wheel, up at a large building with distinct letters hung up along the brick building. Cherry Land Florist. My gaze follows the vibrantly colored flowers that sat peacefully in the pots that lined the windows. I finally reach my hand up, not looking away from the sign and aimlessly feel along the side of the steering wheel before my fingertips meet a key. I turned it, sighing as the sound of the engine came to a stop. I could feel my heart pounding against my rib cage, begging to escape.

I always get this feeling right before I go into work. The fears of helping people I do not know; having to communicate. My mind constantly struggled to produce words when I'm in the presence of unfamiliar people. My hands slide down and stuff the key to my car in the pocket of new khaki pants. I smile to myself, I had just purchased them the evening before and I was rather proud of what pair I chose.

Alright, Felix. Man up. You're 23 years old. Stop acting like such a child. You've done this before, countless times.

I've worked here since I was 20 years of age. I was always so fond of the bold colors and the sweet smell of nectar.

My hand finds its way to the handle of the door, and soon I'm stand at the glass door of the old flower shop. I slip my hand back into my pocket and tug out a different key, unlock the door, and stuff it back into its resting place. My feet carry me inside, my senses immediately consumed by the sweet smell. My lips tug into a crooked smile before I slip a forest green apron over my white dress shirt. My fingers find their way up to short dusty brown hair, tugging the loose hairs back into place. I step back to the front of the store, flipping the sign on the door to read 'Open'.

I walk towards the counter of the shop, standing behind it. I looked into the mirror that stretched across the back wall. My eyes glistened, resembling that of sunshine shining through a glass of freshly poured whiskey. A sound chimes behind me; the bell on the door ringing as the first costumer of the day arrived.
It was going to be a long day.

(8:30 PM- Past closing time)

I was no longer facing the door to the shop, my hands busy at work as the wiped down new crystal vases. I was preparing them for tomorrow's costumes, seeing as how these had suddenly become very popular. It was 15 minutes past closing time when I heard the gentle tapping on the glass door from behind me. My shoulders tensed, turning my head to the side. From the corner of my eyes I saw a face pressed up against the glass, peering in at me. I slowly pivot, my lips pulling into a straight line at the man outside. Couldn't he read? It was clearly past closing time.

He continued tapping gently on the glass, motioning for me to unlock the door. I groan, swiftly walking forward, grabbing the lock and twisting it. I crack the door open, glaring through at the man who stood in the dark.
"I'm sorry sir, but we are closed. You can come back in the morning." My voice smoothly spoke.
My breathe caught in my throat at the vibrant green eyes that glared directly down into mine. The hair on the back of my neck standing on end, it was bewitching.
"Please.. Uh," His eyes flickered down to my name tag before shooting back up, "Please Mr. Siskin, my mother is in the hospital. I just need a single tulip, that's all.." He pleaded out.

I gaze at him for a moment.. Or two, studying his features closely. Pale colored freckles dotting his nose, complimenting his brightly colored eyes. His sharply shaped jaw and perfectly combed hair. What? He might mug me.. I need to be able to tell the officers details, obviously. The man before me clears his throat, "Mr. Siskin?"

I shake my head, pulling the door open to let him in. "Yes, yes. Come in. I'll get you your tulips." I chirp out. Right before I turned I saw a confused look cross his face. Yet I walked towards a large display of many different flowers.

"Mr. Siskin, I only asked for one tulip." He informed me again. I chuckled to myself, and without even turning I answered him. "Your mother is in the hospital, correct?" I hear an approved noise from behind me. "Then I shall get you a vase, and a dozen tulips to take to her. Just give me a moment to arrange them for you.. It's on us. So don't worry about paying." I smiled to myself as I pulled a crystal vase out and started arranging the flowers.

"Thank you, sir, but please make it quick. She has little time left and I want to be there when she slips away.." His voice caught in his throat before I hear him clear his throat again.

As I finished arranging the flowers I turned to face him, yet he was leaning over on the counter jotting something down onto a small slip of paper. I tip my head, confused. He strut up and slipped the paper into the pocket of my apron, a large grin playing on his face as he took the vase from my hands.

I watched as he opened the door to the shop before my voice jumped from my throat, "Tell her I said hello! Have a nice evening Mr...?" I trail off, implying I wished for his name. I walked towards the door, holding it open for him.

"William Vano. Thank you again, Mr. Siskin. Have a wonderful night." He smiled down at me.

"My name is Felix." I say as I gave a smug grin. He let out a soft, happy sigh. "Goodnight, Felix." He then whipped around and walked down the sidewalk.

I stood there, looking like an absolute idiot. Glancing down at the pocket I quickly grabbed the slip of paper from it. My eyes focused on it, struggling because of the dark. It was a business card for a repair shop down the road. I flipped it over, and found a phone number written out. My lips pulled into a massive grin as I tucked it into my back pocket, then hung my apron on a hook beside the door. I locked it, closing up for the second time tonight. Turning, I walked to my car; slipping into the seat and starting it. I pulled away, starting the drive to my apartment.


I hope you enjoyed!~
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